> What do you guys do when not training?

What do you guys do when not training?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I am working

I learn various styles of swordsmanship as a hobby.

I write books

I play music and write lyrics.

I go on hikes.

I go practice marksmanship.

I hang out with friends.

I go for a drive.

I play video games or watch Netflix.

I chat on social media to reduce my body stress.

Mainly hobbies or whatever needs doing, but I imagine what do I do for martial arts when I'm not practicing.

I usually fall back to youtube or the like to see if I can review anything or pick up new ways of doing things. For example I love Uchimata from judo and I picked up Uchimata to Harai Goshi combo from just looking around. I lightly solo practice to get the idea embedded and bring the idea in for the next uchikomi practice. Stuff like that.

Understand nothing how this is watch movies. Why do you ask. Wagging around doesn't do anything neither does pray to Ola.

Solo dad with 4 kids, so watch frozen at least once a week, cook ,clean, run the house hold, gardening, run the kids to rugby, netball ,sports etc, every 2nd weekend the kids are with there mother so il go hunting or diving to keep the food bill down or do some bouncing or other work like felling trees, building etc. if i get spare time il sit down with my guitar or practice my martial arts, go on answer's, help out with stuff around the local rugby club, martial arts school etc, trying to survive really but keep time for the family also.

Most of my time is taken up with academia. I'm on a master's degree stream for mathematics and physics, I generally spend far more time on my studies than my combat sports.

My daily routine at the moment:

1. Wake up, go for a run, shower, eat breakfast.

2. Work. I'm a student, but I have to pay for a lot of things. I don't work many hours anymore (maintaining a night-shift whilst balancing academia and sports was slowly killing me) but I have a pretty good job at the moment.

3. Spend a good few hours in the library. I don't know why, but I opted to do an additional research paper and now I have to spend my summer doing all sorts of academic stuff.

4. On Sundays and Fridays I go to my boxing gym. On Mondays and Saturdays, wrestling. Recently started a BJJ class but only on Tuesdays.

5. After that, a few hours of free time. Sometimes I go out with friends. Once in a blue moon I take my lazy-*** girlfriend out, which always cool. My life is split between extremely academic people and extremely athletic people; couldn't wish for more interesting friends.

And there you have it; Harry's 5AM-11PM schedule.

These days I spend time ridding my motorcycle and doing things around the house and doing some volunteer work for the VA, VFW, and a search and rescue group. That and doing things with the wife keep me fairly busy. I understand the reason for the question though and I think its healthy for martial artists and fighters like yourself who are heavily involved in training to take some time outside of that occasionally

to avoid mental and physical burnout. Doing this also helps them to sometimes avoid training injuries and their bodies physically breaking down. I have always stressed in here that those that train hard and a lot should also learn to listen to their bodies and modify their training regiment and schedule when it was called for.

Run a business from home

Run a household

Take care of my husband

Raise a 4yo, twins 11 months old and have a baby due anytime now

i love to swim,work out and surf (everyday without fail)

Hang out with my friends and family.

Enjoy cafes and vineyards

I'm a (very active) cubmaster for a local cub scout pack.

I brew my own beer.

I visit brew pubs.

I go bar hopping with my friends.

I make my own bratwurst, and other sausages.

I smoke meats.

I enjoy time with my family.

I avidly collect coins, books, and classical music pieces

Not so much anymore, but occasionally:

I shoot,

I camp,

I visit car shows,

I go deep sea fishing,

I visit mines and collect semi-precious stones - sometimes, I shape and shine them

For me doing martial arts has more become a way of finding friends because I move around so much. I love to travel and I now live in Australia. For how long I do not know. We'll see.

But I play guitar - I'm no Eric Clapton but I know my way around the strings.

I try to socialize as much as possible and meet new contacts for my job and things like that.

I hang out with my friends. Love drinking beer.

I love to cook.

When I can afford it I go diving. Have to do it while I'm here in Australia.

Other than that I save up money to go backpacking again. I love the whole life style on the road and I love seeing new places.

When I'm home alone I drink scotch ( Johnny Walker Black) and I watch romantic movies in my underwear. And yes it is exactly as pathetic as it sounds.

Unfortunately the whole martial arts thing has taken a backseat. I was very active with it when I was in college but now life kind of got in the way. As I said I move around a lot and it's hard to find good clubs sometimes. But you make the best off the situation.

I do chores around the house. Being responsible and taking care of things, keeping them in order so you don't have to be embarrassed, being aware of surroundings paying attention to details and seeing what needs to be done, helping and contributing to where you live is all part of being a martial artist. See and here you thought is was all about you and fighting only. I assure you it is not. You will find you learn a lot about others and surroundings when you become part of your environment rather than lock yourself in a room with videos. Read the 'Book of Fife Rings'.

I'm addicted to MMA and martial arts, and sometimes its almost TOO much.

I always want to train and fight. I cant get enough, really.

What do you guys do when you're not training/fighting?

What I do, I just watch MMA videoes, UFC countdowns and videoes with all my favorites.

Thats what I do.

What about you, guys? :P I want to hear your daily process..

I play guitar.

I write.

I go to parties, tries to get laid (never really happens)

I smoke weed sometimes.

I'm with friends.