> What do you do to defeat they?

What do you do to defeat they?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
please, anwer according your experience

you shot them in the back

its suppose to be an immunity against sharp weapons, but not against blunt force, grappling or guns

the chinese tried that bullet thing during a war and it didnt work out too well for them


i'll believe a bullet does not work on them when they let me use my own gun and bullets, load it my self and pull the trigger. until then it is bs.

that reminds me of my friend who claimed he could catch an arrows and was a master at it, but he would not let me shoot one at him. gee i wonder why.

Hehe the technique of this martial art is unlike "qi" is more about the supernatural power, pencak silat its a martial art create by the mixed of spirit and fighting, hehe the thecnique is like taichi, but more importantly thee user of pencak silat is ussualy have special power like, un cutable body, cannot be hit by bullet, they cannot fly or jump high, but pencak silat user can curse people while fighting them, the only way to defeat them in real combat is make them uncconcius

Okay, just noticed something. When he is cutting the bystander's hair he is using the four inches of the blade closest to the handle. When he is doing his "demonstration" he never comes close to that section of the blade. It is a deception, plain and simple. Watch the video closely and pause it as needed to get the view. When doing the "demonstration he makes sure to use the ten inches or so that is farthest from the handle. Probably deliberately dulled for the show. In most demos like this even the "bystander" may be in on the trick so he never asks to see the blade for himself.

I'd probably just hit 'em really hard. That usually does the trick.

These are just parlor tricks. I wish I had a working video camera, because I could upload myself doing the same stuff. Did they invite an outsider to try to cut their skin? Why didn't they use a serrated blade?

Even assuming these guys have unbreakable skin, that wouldn't mean their joints can't be broken, or that they wouldn't go to sleep if you shook their brain hard enough.

I am not impressed by their performance.

Simple attach some electric nodes onto them and pass electricity. Human body could only tolerate pain it's used too. Pain is subjective and diversified, there's not just one type of pain. It's like a case study of someone in African who swallow swords and stab daggers without feeling a thing. When scientists did tests on him with small electric current the tough guy screamed louder than a gorilla.

What a nut case of a demo video. I guess the next thing we will hear of is, "How do I learn the Iron Hair technique?". Really! I can't believe I watched for a whole 35 seconds. What really ticks me off is I can't get that wasted time back.


Yes, everybody needs to "condition" their hair!

The tough hair guy!

I could have way too much fun on this one, better not!

i'll beat him with my eskrima sticks, and see how well I've "defeat"ed him

please, anwer according your experience
