> What are your favorite Y!A Martial Arts questions?

What are your favorite Y!A Martial Arts questions?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Mate, one of the reasons i follow a question is because i'd like to hear an answer or point of view from some of the more knowledgeable guys/girls than myself or i just haven't got the time to answer so come back to it later, I personally get more satisfaction from reading from the different points of perspective from most people on here, it's easy to spot the different levels of people in there answer's.

But back to the subject, the most recent one that stood out to me wasn't so much the Question but an answer that you gave, well this line that you wrote.....

"You know what? I met a guy a few weeks ago. He told me he studies taekwondo. He - and his wife and 3 kids - are enrolled in an ATA Taekwondo school. I didn't even get a chance to decide not to sneer, and he started getting defensive by admitting the place is crap as far as technique is concerned. But, his family is happy. And you know what? Who am I to criticize a happy family?"


That was gold to see that, for me anyway. Actually you gave an honest answer all round.

I also like the fact ,that likes of Russ D ask a lot of questions and the likes of the more senior ones, giving him a bit of guidance.



Which is how it should be.

For me, the most interesting questions have been my own. Afterall those were the questions that I was wanting answers to. And I believe they were beneficial to both the MMA and TMA groups.

As for the best answers, again, I'd have to go with my own. It's not that no one else's has been good. In fact I've given you the best answer before. But I just think 90% of the time, I go above and beyond in my answers while some people are fine with the bare minimum. That definitely doesn't apply to everyone though.

Also, I like how I tell it like it is when everuone else here is worried about what others think. I actually don't hit the follow button a lot, because there is no need to follow myself. Also I usually don't think about it. There are a lot of people whose answers I generally really like but I just don't think about following.

But thinking back to my Q&A, I really think mine are very insightful.

Btw, reading my answer here I realize it might seem like I'm being sarcastic but I'm not at all.

Anything that includes more aspects of martial arts rather than just self-defense or sports competition, I find them interesting...

I find interesting also questions and answers about forms and their applications....

I don't like answers or questions that are trying to limit or give something in a non-positive manner...

I don't like also questions or answers that are trying to scare of, or trying to put something down.

In my belief someone should already be able to handle himself/herself and pass to other aspects that are helping self-defense and sports competition, in a very positive and relax manner...Like that it can even aid more than the direct self-defense or sports competition aspects. We need to make things interesting in my belief, always in a good and positive manner.

Some interesting questions that I saw here lately was the one that you have asked about kaisai no genri, another was the one that Sev asked about goshin jutsu. Shaeck and Ricky come very often with interesting questions in a similar way that I am asking I believe. Ricky's question about how culture influences martial arts was very interesting for example...There are plenty of good answers and answerers, I don't want to say a few names and leave the rest behind.

This TMA, MMA dispute that comes often, I don't find it interesting, I find it quite boring. Is not like we don't know most of us, I guess at list, how to handle ourselves and we need to find what out, what is what, or choose a product of need or something....I also don't care what athlete is going to take the belt in the next event or something.

I would be interested to see more questions and answers about principles, concepts and forms applications...I would also be interested to see more questions and answers about tactics and strategies, and some that are including the aspects of well being, confidence, health and generally life enhancement, to see here a bit more complete picture on martial arts in general.:)

A few more questions and answers about BJJ would also be interesting.

Ones that are new, require thought, and are worth answering, and well as questions I can provide an intelligent answer to.

I hate the usual "should I fight", "who will win in this fight", "street fighter vs, ---------" etc.

I like something new, that challenges my mind, thought and intellect.

I've gathered that very few people highly skilled in grappling and or wrestling are here and that provokes me. I've also gathered I don't know **** about grappling or striking by trying new things on advice from experienced people here. I have also learnt to respect any legit self defense art. I love Tma about as much as mma so I don't care about that.

Have any questions and/or answers ever stood out as most inspiring to you, or you thought was very thought provoking, or have changed your mind on a MA subject in some way?

Go ahead and include a link to the Y!A question, but mention the question or a particular answer.

Yeah, I know some of you probably hit that "Follow" button a lot, and probably logged hundreds or even thousands of questions you thought were interesting. But, which do you feel were most influential, interesting, or inspiring to you?