> What are some good fighting tips?

What are some good fighting tips?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
For one on one fighting, I think jui-jitsu is always the best, but that awesome no one else will attack you when you're on the ground. Not the best idea for street fighting, although it's good to know what you're doing there to. A lot of street fights end when one guy gets on top and a lot of fights end up there.

For your purposes, I'd say kickboxing. Six months to a year of solid training will put you in a good position against most people your size, assuming they're just schmoes. Kicks can be incredibly powerful and you've never felt one, it's pretty painful & disorienting.

Fight advice disclaimer: don't get into fights, it's stupid

Become a black belt in walking away. It's easy to learn how to fight some jujitsu and self defense types karates are popular for this as they pit you against people in MMA type matches for sport to hone your skills and have you learn to defend against everything under the sun. The hard part is learning to avoid and walk away. I'm 20 I have never been in a street fight but I've had to defend myself multiple times. My advice scrap fighting unless you enjoy it and just learn a good low kick straight punch and some bjj and self defense type **** for worse case scenarios.

Don't do jiujitsu it's not good for street fighting for the main purpose that there could be multiple attackers you need to be able to fight and see in a 360 degree angle on the street. Take Kenpo or Krav Maga. I currently take Kenpo and everything we learn is based for street fighting.

If you are fighting more than one opponent, attack the one closest to you first. If you get one or more opponents down, run. Sometimes, taking out just one can scare the others off.

Learn from a proper teacher is the number one thing.

Keep your guard up, stay light on your feet, chin tucked, move, utilize proper technique. Etc.



go to a karate gym or a boxing gym or a MMA gym. they will train you and discipline you on the art of hand to hand combat

Guard up at all times.

Tuck your chin.

Take a wide stance.

best tip: you fight the way you train. Train the way you would want to fight.


im a complete beginner.. ive only been in 2 fights in my life (im 25)

i dont look for violence but recently ive got this huge urge to want to learn fighting. so whats a good beginner guide to start learning? mainly to combat against street violence