> What are some good Martial Arts workouts?

What are some good Martial Arts workouts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
We do things like this:


What do you do in class? The best workout in martial arts is to practice what you did in class. You don't learn piano by practicing violin so why would you work on something not martial arts related to become good in martial arts?

Skip the finger tip push ups. If you do those incorrectly you will end up damaging the joints. I know a guy whose finger joints now partially bend the opposite way, not too much of a big deal cosmetically as you hardly notice it, except that his thumbs now stick out permanently and he can not bring the thumbs to his hand all the way which makes holding things sometimes difficult.

All Kenpo Kickboxing.

I started kenpo and shootfighting class about 6 weeks ago. I have been learning fast and my instructor said that i got some talent. I'm already really fit but i was wondering what are some good workouts or moves that would help me out for martial arts. I know like fingertip push ups and weighted jump ropes but i don't know anything else. Please help i want to be really good at martial arts. Thanks!!!