> What are good Wing Chun fighters?

What are good Wing Chun fighters?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
The whole "not designed for the ring" argument is a bit misleading, in my opinion. Wing Chun is designed to teach you how to punch, kick, elbow, sweep, palm strike, etc. Some of those techniques are allowed in the ring, depending on the format.

Alan Orr out of the UK has produced some amateur and pro-am MMA fighters with OK records.

Shawn Obasi won a bunch of amateur fights against scrubs before losing his only pro fight.

Those might be the two sources for you to look at. "Successful" might be the subject of some debate, depending on how you define it. To my knowledge, there have been no boxing, kickboxing, or MMA champs with a strong Wing Chun background.

Look into Alan Orr and his school. Anybody that knows me here knows that I am very critical of Wing Chun. I studied it for 3 years and under two different Sifu, one under Chris Chan from California and one who studied directly under Ip Chun as well as under other Sifu in his lifetime. Both were legit instructors, but I keep their names off the internet. People like to draw the conclusion that the only way I could say that Wing Chun was a waste of my time is if my instructors sucked, and I have no desire for their reputations to be tarnished because they're the real deal.

Anyway, I DO believe that Wing Chun was the least useful martial art I learned. That said, I don't think that everything in Wing Chun is useless. With better training methods and instructors that are willing to let Wing Chun evolve, it could become a much better style. Alan Orr and his school seem to be doing that. He's produced some decent fighters. No world champions, but you can't hold that against any school. It takes a special kind of talent and a special set of circumstances to produce a champion and most gyms won't make one. But Orr has produced some fighters that have been fairly successful in the ring and I would consider him the prime example of what is actually RIGHT in the world of Wing Chun.

Wing Chun is a clsassical martial art that is not used in rings

You will find them in Sanda/San Shou fights more then any MMA fights. You may see that change when UFC Asia gets bigger but in China MMA styles are not found to much and is not real big, MMA in Asia is just starting out and most of the Chinese fighter are big on Sanda..

I've been doing Wing Chun for two years now and I started to wonder if there are any good WC fighters on the internet. I always see WC fighters getting beaten in fights (mostly ring fights, and I know it isn't designed for that) so I started to wonder if there has ever been someone who has been succesful in the ring.