Jujutsu is a complete art. It depend on who is teach if they will teach the art as it should be taught. With the right instructor it can be very effective for learning to defend yourself.
Yes, your question can be seen by people all around the world. It is not just visible to people in one country. I gave you a good answer earlier.
a pen could be deadly in the right hands. and in the right hands a gun can be completely useless.
it all depends upon the person using it.
a style is only as good as your training and your instructor
Just so you know you can see British questions on US side and British can see US questions. Essentially you are asking the exact same crowd.
I've already posted this question on the usa site, but now I want to know your opinions english friends.
So my question: is japanese jujitsu a complete martial art?? can it be deadly?
I'm talking precisely of 2 styles: goshin ryu and hokotoriu jujitsu