most girls are not single or not very pretty, but youll find a girl in there that is hot and single but remember your going to be a lower belt then her (good luck showing off everything she already knows!)
trust me its a bad idea but to answer your question id say most girls go to women defense class... so creepy guys wont hit on them do to the fact its for women!
There is about 50 / 50 in my Shaolin Kung Fu class and also in my Taiji class in America. In China the boys outnumber the girls but that could also have something to do with their one child policy and couples having boys and not girls. The same is true for my Aikijutsu classes but only in the beginner ranks. The girls all drop out in the higher ranks when the throws get harder, the techniques hurt more and the attacks are really fast paced. There are only 1% girls maybe if even that. Karate I often was the only girl but there were never more than 10% girls. There tend to be more girls in sports oriented Karate than there is in self defense. Few girls are comfortable with fighting especially when it gets serious. So the more hard core the class the fewer girls.
im not a girl but im guessing krav maga, kickboxing? i see alot of girls in the cardio kickboxing class which is just before my muay thai class :)
mmmm the girl in my karate dojo is ugly and few..
there the minority in every gym ive ever seen
hair pulling and scratching
beware the ides of march
So yeah,I have this question in mind.What Martial Arts do girls mostly practice? For example,if I go to several dojos,where am I more likely to find more girls practicing?
This isn't the same as asking "Which MA is the best for girls".It's justa asking which MAs girls prefer.