> Wh would win in a fight between these 2 people?

Wh would win in a fight between these 2 people?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
A 6'9 and a 5'2 guy who would win???? Also the 6ft is fat but the skinny guy is ripped.

All things being equal the big guy is still the safe bet. If the smaller guy is ripped he is still likely proportionate in size and will still have a severe disadvantage from a strength point of view. Unless by fat you mean out of shape and the short guy is built like a tank.

The short guy would be wise to not start the fight this time.

The one with the fighting skill would win. If neither has any fighting skill it's down to luck and that's like winning the lottery. Physical statistics mean nothing.

Don't know who wins but I can tell you the short guys always start the fight.

Do either of these people know how to fight, or have any experience with confrontation?

Just naming height weight isn't any indicator of martial skill. Technique and knowledge isn't to be taken lightly.

You know a lot of people who are 6"9?

The better fighter will win of course. Size, strength, weight, etc, are only so much.

Well, it depends if any one of them knows how to fight, how fast they are, ...etc there's a lot of factors in fighting.

A 6'9 and a 5'2 guy who would win???? Also the 6ft is fat but the skinny guy is ripped.