> Washing Judo Gi?

Washing Judo Gi?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
So I know that I should wash it in cold water and hang dry and to never use bleach. However, laundry detergents with bleach will literally say "With Bleach" right?

First of all, you can only use regular bleach if the gi is 'completely white.' Second, you should never use more than a 1/4 cup (60 mL) of bleach when washing your gi because bleach thins out any fabric you pour it on. Thankfully, the water in the washer dilutes the bleach, otherwise the straight bleach would eat holes in your gi. Whenever possible, use chlorine-free bleach (color safe bleach) on your gi. I also recommend using borax or washing soda in place of bleach since these powders assist detergent in removing odors and lifting stains out of your garments.

Don't overuse regular bleach or you will wear out your gi just from washing it.

It is standard industry practice to list the ingredients which will state if bleach is present. Read the label.

So I know that I should wash it in cold water and hang dry and to never use bleach. However, laundry detergents with bleach will literally say "With Bleach" right?