> Was the Rousey Mcmann fight stopped early?

Was the Rousey Mcmann fight stopped early?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I like Ronda. I wanted Ronda to win. But I think the stoppage was too soon. I think she possible could have finished it in that round due to that liver shot. However, it is what it is. The ref saw something differently than I. He stopped it. It was a good shot. I know by it being stopped like that it leaves more room for the haters to say it was fixed. They are protecting their champion. I think a rematch is in order. But if I were Ronda's camp I wouldn't give it. Sara has some guns and she is packing TNT in those arms. As I see it right now Ronda striking looked better in her last fight. But she still don't have the power behind her punches to stop a good fighter. Her elbows might be dangerous. Sarah can stop a fight with a single punch. She hits like a truck.

One fight the ref took too long to stop and this one he stopped too soon. But he gets paid to do that. Maybe someone told him he should have stopped the other one sooner and to make sure he didn't do it again he jumped the gun and stopped this one too soon.

Sara might have shown the world that Ronda is vulnerable to a good striker. Ronda was smart to smother the strikes and work from the clinch range. She threw some hard elbows that will be dangerous later in her career. Still not enough power in her punches.

Yes and no and I will explain that answer. In one of the earlier fights Herb Dean let the action continue and a fighter take several hard blows in succession while face down or laying on his side. While the fighter was still moving some he was not really defending himself and really going more on instinct and Dean let the fight go to where that fighter took additional damage.

Then three fights later in the Rousey/McMann fight Rousey lands a hard knee to McMann's kidney but is not yet taking near as much damage but is obviously hurt and drops to a knee but then after a second starts to recover and stand but in the mean time Herb Dean had already called the fight.

When I fought full contact you usually had an idea about the referee and how they were about warnings and how much they would let things go and so you pretty much knew what to expect in situations and how they would react and what actions they would likely take with things.

With Dean there is no telling that and once the referee waves the fight then its a done deal and he can't take that back. If you watch and compare the Pyle/Waldberger fight and how Dean let the action continue with Waldberger taking considerable damage then yes indeed the Rousey/McMann fight was stopped prematurely.

It would appear that the UFC has more than just a problem with poor judging sometimes and inconsistent refereeing is another. I as a coach or fighter expect the same from a referee from one fight to the next and then I can fight or coach within those parameters based on what that referee does and how he usually reacts to things and applies the rules. With Dean though there seems to be a fair amount of inconsistency which leaves a bad taste in some fighters and coaches mouths as well as the fans like what you will have with the Rousey/McMann fight.

No Fighters are told to intelligently defend themselves. Crouched on your hands and knees while getting hit in the face is not intelligently defending oneself. Everyone is giving Dean a hard time for "stopping this fight to early." But it is kind of weird that McMann literally was not defending herself....yet TJ was both covering up and moving, but because he kept getting hit Dean "let the fight go to long." Neither call was bad.

Yes, a bit early, though McMann got dropped badly and was clearly a mess from that bodyshot.

Herb Dean had a really bad night. First he let TJ Waldburger get killed, and then he stopped the main event a too early.

it was only an early stoppage because it was the beginning of the fight. if it wasn't the main event everyone would of agreed it was a fair stoppage.