> Was chuck Norris right or wrong?

Was chuck Norris right or wrong?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
"Now Bruce Lee fans hate him"

No, we don't. SOME people might. Lumping all Bruce Lee fans into one category is silly,though.

Lee helped Norris (and other karate champs- Mike Stone, Joe Lewis) improve their ability to win sparring contests.

Maybe Norris could have beaten Lee. Maybe not. They didn't test it, and that's not what Norris was saying. He said they didn't want to find out. It's that simple.

idk if Bruce Lee was ever in a tournament but I fought in the same tournament as Chuck Norris in Madison Sq Gdn. He won the Black Belt Division and I won the Green Belt Division (I was a Green Belt at the time in the 70's).

idk if Norris could have beaten Lee since both were great practitioners

So you have witnessed BLs demonstration in Madison sg garden ..as everyone knowd he was only doing that..

I think he was a little bit of both.

I remember of Chuck Norris once talking in CNBC with the host and host asked about his training with Bruce Lee what kinda training was it and if it was abour fighting ? Chuck Norris said...naaahh just punching the baaaaag kicking the baaaag..lool

You mean you could beat him host said..chuck said. ( kinda makin fun )Duh..i was the world karate champion ..chuck continued .he was good .he was good..just Bruce didn't wanna go there.I didn't wanna go there..

So what chuck Norris was trying to say.? Because now bruce lee fans hates him..Do you think he was honest or simply tried to say Bruce Lee was good but just an actor and he could beat him ? Or Chuck decades later tried to tell the truth about a kung fu movie actor bruce lee who was never in a tournament fighting and proven as one..?