> Was This Cowardice?

Was This Cowardice?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Please take the time to read and watch the following:



You know if you were afraid or not. But you did do the right thing. He wasn't attacking her. According to the law she is guilty of 3rd degree assault for flipping him the bird.

Also she is not your girl. She has a man. Why do you need to defend her honor. She was in the wrong.

Martial Artists are taught to avoid conflict. This man might have seen agressive but did not physically assault anyone. The best thing to do would have been to apologize, roll up your window and drive away. You would most likely not encounter this man ever again, so there is no fear this would lead to being pushed around. I would only resort to physical confrontation if he were to physically assault you or your friend.

No. You're not her boyfriend who apparently is nothing more than an attack dog to her. Girls like her are not worth your time - find a better crowd.

Next time you don't have to just sit there. You can tell him to back off, and problably gain the girls respect for standing up for her

No, it was smart. You did exactly the right thing. You protected her by not getting into a fight that could have turned bad in so many ways.

I wouldn't have done anything, he didn't start it with you.

its all in your best judgement. its better be safe than sorry but its always good to stand for what you believe in.



I'm a 21 year old male, and I was with two of my friends who are girls in one of their cars. They're both my age too. While we were driving, my friend who was driving was waiting on another guy to make a turn, and he seemed to have yelled something from the window, so she gave him the middle finger. He then got behind her car and came out to knock on the window. She rolled it down a bit, and he said not to show him the middle finger and then said something vulgar.

I didn't intervene because he wasn't getting physical or trying to break in the car or anything like that. I'd like to think I would have intervened if that happened, even though he was bigger than me. But she mentioned how if her boyfriend was in the car he would have gotten out and started fighting with the guy.

Was I wrong to not do anything? It didn't seem like anyone was in any real danger, so I didn't see a point. Was I being a coward? How can I be less fearful of fighting someone?