> Ware the most common street attacks the world over?

Ware the most common street attacks the world over?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Sounds like scenario based training. Should check on Rory Miller's Chiron for that.

As for types of attacks, the police use a triangle for criminal activity. Without all sides, crime cannot happen. 1. Intent 2. Power 3. Opportunity.

Taking the example of the average purse snatcher, they need the intent of greed, the power to physically grab it and escape, and the opportunity (meaning a target they can see and reach, that didn't run away yet).

If they suddenly lost the desire for money, crime wouldn't happen. If they were suddenly over powered by the woman or someone else, crime would stop. If the opportunity evaporated, like the woman getting into a car and driving off, then crime cannot happen.

This applies to car jackings, ambushes, battles, burglaries, bar fights, etc. This is a more educated look at tactics, in a broader level than merely what physical technique people use.

The two types of attacks i recognize are asocial or social. Are people doing war or human hunting, or are they doing emotional monkey dances to get better social status. Those two are the ones that determine my primary responses.

As for scenarios, if you want to get better fighting in bars, then practice more scenarios inside an actual bar, plan out your movements and escape/evade/attack patterns with or without patterns. A dry run would be to enter a bar, check out how things are, and place yourself as the victim or the predator or one fighter vs another.

In a foreign country one is advised to learn the local customs, in order to avoid friction. As well as to understand what is most common, such as gang signs and fights that one should avoid, as well as kidnapping gang's usual tactics.

Also what are the most common places? street? road? bar? night club? rice field?

On your face.

Where I live alot of fighting goes on.

The number 1 move I see is the sucker punch. Cowardly mf'ers.

The second most common technique I see is wild poor form punches, going for max power but still kinda arm punching and **** usually poor hooks ie swings and pushy straight punches.

The third most common technique I see is the bent over standing headlock.

I havnt seen this but read about it in the news, simple stabbings with knives are reasonably common.

It makes sense to know the most common attacks so you can learn specific ways to defend yourself.

I was also interrested in what the locals do in different parts of the world I was wondering if in America if a x2 leg takedown, baseball bat swing, gun shot, car ram, or overhand rights would be most common?

I wonder in china are side kicks, flying kicks, and nunchucks on the agenda?

I wonder in the middle east if being pelted with strones and rocks is the go to atatck?