> Vote this martial art?

Vote this martial art?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
if you have an instructor that cant teach, or you have poor training habits, the style wont matter.

and by the way tae kwaon do has about 75 styles, silat has over 700 styles, japanese jujutsu has over 600 style. your not just compare 6 styles your comparing over a thousand.

i havent even seen quarter of them in over 30 years. i doubt many have.

in all style there are bad instructors and schools. you cant judge a style by a few bad schools. and you cont condemn hundreds from one bad experience, like i see a few people like to do.

even a good qualified instructor may not know there entire style.

karate shotokan 0/10 No schools in my area.

takewondo 5/10 Rhee Taekwondo I believe. Five marks for being available to me, doesn't matter if there's 70 different styles available Rhee is the only one I can get to and I wouldn't bother to be perfectly honest.

japanese jujutsu 0/10 No schools in my area regardless of how many styles there are.

muay thai 0/10 No schools in my area

silat 0/10 No schools in my area

bjj (brazialian jiu jitsu) 8/10 BJJ is available but the available school only works on groundwork, still, since there are brown belts in that school better at groundwork than my Goju-ryu teacher I do intend to spend some time training with them.

You're going to need to provide parameters for voting. What are we voting on?

Also, there are multiple systems of Silat and Japanese JJ, some very different than the others. Since you specified a karate system, would you mind specifying a Silat and jujitsu system?

Finally, have you considered that not has experience in all of these, and their experience within them may vary? If someone has only ever studied BJJ, why would they even CONSIDER something that's not BJJ?

Shotokan can be a decent art if taught right. But it was created for the masses and lost many (all?) of the lethal techniques that the Okinawan styles it came from have.

TKD has become nothing more than after school day care, and flashy acrobats. Granted somewhere there is some decent TKD left but you'd be hard pressed to find it. Ironically I've yet to find a TKD practitioner who didn't say all other TKD is crap but there's is good.

japanese jujutsu and BJJ can be good and the last time I checked there was more good BJJ than bad, but with the popularity of MMA I'm not so sure.

muay thai taught in it's original form is bad ***. But popularity has brought about a bunch of watered down crap.

silat isn't a martial art but rather a group of them just like karate is a term that describes Okinawian and Japanese martial arts and Kung Fu Chinese ones.

As for "voting" in what way? I'd rather not as I don't know what this is for. Plus I'm happy studying the art I've grown to love - Uechi Ryu karate. Although from time to time I cross train with folks in other arts to learn about their arts, to get better at my art, and to learn how to deal with folks from other arts.

Do you realize how many schools you would have to visit to be fair? Ask me again in about 1000 lifetimes.

Your question has no fair answer and is aimed to trash styles unfairly because noone can judge this and especially not a teen who only has a few years of training in maybe one or two styles, ...and that's giving kids on here a lot of credit knowing that a lot of them only watch UFC and don't train, especially not in a traditional art. How can you judge or ask someone to judge something you/they know nothing about? You can not possibly expect a good answer.

What are we voting on? Whether they get into - or stay - in the Olympics? Which style is the primary style of the next UFC match? Which one is the first to crush into oblivion from all of the McDojos? Which one is the first to crush out all of the McDojos of their style? Which one will be the next style to be taught by the next police academy? ... ?

I would not be able to decide out of those because all I have done is a little karate and three years straight of taekwondo.

bjj because you can full contact with 100 perecent strength. competition is common. Huge moves arsenal. Sparing or as we call it rolling on day one. Not hating on the other styles I love them all, but bjj is my personal favorite.


Give a vote to these martial art according to your experience:

karate shotokan


japanese jujutsu

muay thai


bjj (brazialian jiu jitsu)

and if you want, write the motivation