> Upcoming Taekwondo pattern competition?

Upcoming Taekwondo pattern competition?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Practice, practice, practice... until you're sick of the forms. Then practice some more. Practice so that you can be thinking of the movements several movements ahead. Be careful not to practice too much in solo, because if you develop bad habits, you don't want to bring them into the competition. so be sure to have a qualified instructor or senior student who can help you here.

I have been a forms competitor and a forms judge. What I look for is rhythm, timing, and eyeline. Of course, there are many elements to a form, but in competition, these are the primary things that are graded:

Rhythm: make sure your hand techniques are in lock-step with your foot movements. Be sure that movements flow from one to another. It should not appear choppy, like you're a white belt demonstrating one technique after another in a monotonous performance. Rather, groups of movements should flow.

Timing: Don't go too fast, that shows nervousness. Don't go too slow, that shows lack of confidence. Take ownership, and be confident. Move when you want to move, not when you remember what you need to do, and not when you think you should be moving faster. While the form should be moving at a controlled pace, your individual techniques need to be lighting fast, except the breathing techniques of course.

When you do a form in pairs, you need not synch your performance with that of your competitor partner - they will be going at a different speed - faster or slower. You need not finish first or last - that is not the point. The point is to finish best. Not all WTF competitions (in fact, very few) do poomsae competitions in pairs. But it is common in ITF competitions.

Eyeline: never, ever look at the floor. Keep your chin up and always look in the direction where your hands are generally placed. And don't look AT your hands, look beyond. As you turn, look first, and snap your head in that direction.

When you kihap (scream) don't do it like you're auditioning for a murder scene and you are the victim or the murderer. Don't burp. Don't growl. Make a short but loud yell that comes from the abdomen, not the throat.

Other than that, be positive. Good luck!

Walk in to the ring with confidence and speak with confidence. Be curious to the judges and other contestants

Focus on your stances, make sure you have a strong and proper stance.

Keep consistent and proper power through out the entire form, from start to finish. Begin and end strong.

Relax, clear your mind, and only focus on the poomse when out there. Don't panic or overthink out there, just chill and have confidence and PRACTICE LOADS and you will do great. I do taekwondo myself and know how challenging poomse is. I prefer sparring. Good Luck in the comp, you will do AWESOME :D

This is the martial arts section. You want the dance section.

Hi everyone, I practise WTF Taekwondo and have a competition coming up in the next few weeks, I was wondering if anyone has any tips and information?

Any help would be much appreciated,

thank you!!