> Unarmed martial arts the bane of eskrima empty hands?

Unarmed martial arts the bane of eskrima empty hands?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I pretty sure I can quick draw the Glock I keep chambered faster than you process what to do about it. If its arms reach distance It will be hip shot before you know its out. Any noob can draw faster than it takes someone to cover 21 feet.

There is unarmed combat in eskrima called kali de mano. For someone who is suppose to do eskrima you don't know much.

And get a damn life. Stop trolling.

Eskrima stills knows unarmed combat my friend

I don’t think escrima’s empty hand skills match up to pure empty hand martial arts. But then again I don’t expect those empty handed martial arts to handle knife as well as escrima. If you run into an escrima person on the street most likely they will be armed with a knife. So what’s your plan on defense then? Mock the escrima person and hope that they will drop their knife and fight you hand to hand? You’ll be talking and they’ll be cutting. Carry a knife with you to even out the playing field? Fighting knife to knife with an escrima person? Carry a gun? It’s been tested that in the time for a gun draw from a trained policeman a knifeman can cover 21 feet. You have to be yelling to converse from that distance. I don’t know what your beef with the art is, but it is a deadly style to fight against.

Apparently eskrima is mostly only GOOD at fighting people with weapons and can only disarm them afterwards. then what? so if I ditch my weapon than i could just beat the living **** out of you and I win? seems to me that in order to defeat an eskrimador, just challenge him to a unarmed fight and he'll **** his pants