> US marine vs MMA fighter?

US marine vs MMA fighter?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Was just gonna reference you to the topic AKBAN pointed out to you. Marines train with weapons, vehicles, etc...they spend very little time in hand to hand combat. Hand to hand combat is ALL an MMA fighter trains in. So you tell me.

In what regard?

A Marine pilot is better at flying jets then an MMA fighter.

A Marine diver is a better swimmer than most MMA fighters.

A Marine with a gun is going to have a huge advantage over an MMA fighter in a confrontation.

Using MMA rules an MMA fighter will have an advantage.

In a bar fight the guy who's the better fighter will win.

So this question makes no sense as you really have to understand what you're comparing

In a hand to hand situation:

Basic Marine vs Average MMA Fighter the MMA Fighter will win. MCMAP is absolute crap, its just for people who have no clue how to punch.

0311 vs Average MMA Fighter, it could be even, depends on what the 0311 practices.

Recon vs MMA Fighter, recon would destroy

Being a US marine and being an MMA fighter are not mutually exclusive.

You failed to mention any specifics. A recon Marine is pretty much a killing machine that likes to sleep, have sex, drink booze, eat a healthy meal, smoke a few cigs, and kill. MMA is one thing. This is a null and void question that attracts a lot proud people. MMA and most common martial arts involve a lot of sissy fighting. My older brother trains regularly and fights like a girl. MMA is designated for fighting. The things I know, aren't meant to send you to the hospital. They send you to the morgue with as little effort as possible. Which is why I don't fight. MMA consists of hitting in excess of 35 to 40 pounds of impact pressure. I will do more damage and hardly touch you. As I demonstrated to my brother. I personally hate fighting and violence. MMA is basically what little girls do to show they can fight when not being a ballerina. I have 0 respect for MMA because it is all violence, no talent - respect - discipline - full of cheap shots - testosterone pill poppin bullies. Yes they can kill you, even break limbs etc. Consider them as well trained dancers on steroids. Ain't worth a turd in war. But great for beating up elderly folks at the grocery store.

Special forces spend virtually no time training hand to hand combat (at most one hour a weeK0 as hand to hand combat has virtually no place in modern war, they have much more important things to spend their time on.

So how can you expect someone that hardly ever, if at all, practices hand to hand combat compete against someone tat does it all day every day as a living?

Marine, they have weapons other than fists

This question is asked alot.
