> Travelling to China to learn jeet kune do?

Travelling to China to learn jeet kune do?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Well, in order to go to China to find yourself you will need money at least for the plane ticket unless you plan on swimming there. Bumming around in China will most likely get you arrested which will give your dull life the excitement of your life. They don't have much patience for lazy people.

You could try and get a job teaching English in China. There are several organizations that do that. They send you for 6 months or so and you teach English to Chinese kids. You can also become a nanny to some rich Chinese family with the purpose of tutoring their kids in English.

If you had money I would say go to a boarding school that teaches Chinese martial arts, but I guess that is not an option for you.

As for Jeet Kune Do in China, I was a guest in many martial arts schools in China but I have never come across a Jeet Kune Do school. Not saying they don't exist, because I really don't know for sure but if they do my guess would be they are rare if not non-existent. Jeet Kune Do is not a style but a philosophy so I would question any school claiming to teach Jeet Kune Do and teaching martial arts techniques anywhere in the world.

Jeet Kune do is not a style, it is a philosophy. and Bruce Lee did most of his teaching and developing of his philosophy and training in the U.S.A. after leaving China. So even if JKD was a style, you would not go to China to find it.


You are broken, but you think you can get to China and learn Jeet Kune Do? I think I am beginning to understand why you are 20, umemployed, and living a repetitive dull life.

Here's some things you need to grasp:

1) No money no travelling to China.

2) Jeet Kune Do is abbreviated JKD not JFK.

3) JKD was not invented in China and it is not a style of martial art.

4) You don't find yourself by getting away from your problems. And running away doesn't teach you anything about life other than learning to runaway from your problems.

5) One year of any kind of martial art does not even get you the basics.

Dude, that's not going to happen. People have told you several reasons why. If you want to travel save up 30-40 000 DKK and go and travel. I'm currently in SEA, you can try out muay thai for a month of something like that. Teach english and stay even longer. But you need to get off your @ss and get some money. Get an education.

Lykke till!


This is the funniest question ever.

Then you get someone like Mjb who says: "it would be cool as **** to actually go to china to learn actual jkd"


This is hysterical!!!

First of all, Jeet Kune Do is primarily a philosophy, not necessarily a style. And you wouldn't travel to China to learn it, it is more abundant in the USA.

If you're broke, how would you afford to fly to China. And when you arrive in China, where are you going to get the money for food, a house/apartment, and martial arts lessons. You won't just magically get this stuff when you arrive in China, you're going to end up with absolutely nothing. You did not think this through, did you?

You need to get yourself a job. And you need to adjust your thinking. Who says that you're just going to "find yourself" by going to China to learn martial arts? You won't learn anything by doing this. Again, get a job, and maybe you can look into martial arts when you can afford it. Don't worry about finding yourself, it's something that just happens to you when you are open to it. You learn about life by just living it. Just live your life and enjoy it, you only get one.

First get a job.

I know it's not easy but make it your priority.

Martial arts should be something that adds to your life not your whole life.

When you're taking a break from looking for a job, do research on martial arts. Read all you can. The Internet and LIBRARIES are good places for free information.

Once you get a job, find a dojo near you and begin to train. I train in Uechi Ryu and have found a lot of what we do fits nicely with JKD philosophies. I'm sure a good instructor in other styles will do the same. My point is that you can train where you are for now, learn all you can and then if JKD is your obsession then seek it once you have a foundation, some money and such.

Until then, get a job, any job, and work to get out of your rut.

Oh and you can also run, do basic exercises like push ups, etc. now. Anything to stay busy, get fit, and build a good foundation

we knew bruce lee founded JKD in USA after he learned wingchun in HK

I live in western China, and while admittedly I haven't traveled a lot in China, I can tell you that I've never heard of JKD being practiced here. That being said, there are many styles of martial arts you can learn, I have a friend who is studying an ancient Hui Muslim martial art, and I am studying Sanda as my time and finances allow.

Before you are able to come to China you need to save up money. Get a job and get some life experience, it will help you with the adjustment to the foreign culture and to know how to live on your own. Second, you'll probably want to study the language before you come. You don't have to (I didn't, but I've been here for a year now and am slightly conversational) but it helps a lot. And if you don't have college experience, one of the only ways that you'll be able to study anything is by getting a job and a work visa here, (which requires a lot of time, patience, and once again, money.)

Anyway, good luck! It would be cool if you could come, but it wouldn't be a magical fixer for all of your problems, in fact it amplifies many of them...That being said, I love China and it's fun, even though I'm in a city with almost no martial arts whatsoever.

I think you're fantasizing.

i live in Denmark, and i'm tired of the repetitive dull life.. i'm currently unemployed and been wanted to something.. different with my life.

I've always been intrigued but martial art, especially jeet kune do.

This seems more like a dream than reality, but how much would it cost to travel to china and train jeet kune do say for around a year?

How would I make this possible?

i'm only 20 btw, and as i said i'm unemployed.. so i'm broke atm.

Thanks in advance.

it would be cool as **** to actually go to china to learn actual jkd. most people are portrayers so who knows. i kind of think you dont need a jkd sensai to learn it. they would be real good for reversing and trapping with their timing though. get a buddy thats interested in as much as you are. i am also twenty and broke as ****. if only i lived dare.

I wouldn't count on finding a school in China, on the other hand, if you do, I can pretty much guarantee it will be better than anything you find in the USA. Westerners have corrupted so many arts and watered them down it I can understand why Asians are reputed to not share an art completely with Americans. There are three here citing JKD is not an art, and all three of them would be left with their feet in their mouth if they tried to defend that position.

Edit - Make that four, I hadn't bothered to read Tom, but he is yet another "philosophies" dude. One can mix JKD theory with another art, and make it better, but one cannot mix another art with JKD, not their theories, not their techniques, and do anything other than water it down.