> Too overweight for Jiu Jitsu?

Too overweight for Jiu Jitsu?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You shouldn't worry about your weight, at the very least I will gratitude you for trying something out your comfort zone and losing that weight.

Weight isn't a problem in martial arts and once you start out you worry about your weight. You know I was too worried, except I'm skinny. I wasted my time and asked a similar question. No one cared, just like no one will care if you're 210 lbs.

Edit: Seriously guys? Dislike KW comment, he gave the best answer, in my opinion here...

The only thing that might make your weight an issue is if it is also affect your overall state of health. In most cases, being overweight can lead to other health problems. But since you are starting to take the initiative to do something about this with eating healthy and getting physically fit, then there is no reason why you cannot your training.

I would suggest that you first get a physical with your doctor which is the standard practice for anyone who is going to start any kind of strenuous physical activity when they have been inactive for a prolong period.

I would also advise that you start out gradually and take your time building up. Don't try to do too much too soon. I have lost count of how many people I've seen being carried away by EMT/paramedics at my gym because they try to build Rome in a day.

I'm a 328lb BJJ Bluebelt formerly a 350lb whitebelt, you're gonna do fine man, just keep showing up day after day to training, as for the getting in shape part take it from me it's all about cleaning up the diet as much as it is about exercising, you're only slightly overweight too so the weight will come off easy,just stick with what you're doing and it'll all work out.

If you can move around, roll around, grab, sweep your foot, and so on, you can practice like anyone else.

It is not a safe thing.

Jiu Jitsu is a scheme for fighting people and you can get hurt.

The damage you incur may impair you for life.

There are safer ways to exercise your body.

Practicing fighting affects your attitude, too.

It is good to know some self defense, but to me, it is rather unwholesome to make it your preoccupation.

In the end, any kid with a gun can stop you dead in your tracks, from behind.

Try something else if you are only interested in exercise.

I agree with KW on this one, i have seen some guys in excess of 300lbs training in BJJ.

Yeps, You are too over weight, Bjj is not for heavy people.

I'm a 16 year old guy. I'm 6 foot tall and weigh around 210. I would describe myself as chubby not really fat. Is it possible to be too over weight to train in Jiu Jitsu? I figured it would be a good way to get in shape as well as a fun sport. I'm also eating healthy and exercising currently. What do you think?