> Tips on fighting someone way bigger than me?

Tips on fighting someone way bigger than me?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Balance, center of balance, hitting in the right places... etc.

You do mma, you should now this stuff by now, no offense!

Play dirty. Kick his groin, finger-jab his eyes, throw a chopping blow to his throat, bite his [ear (like Iron Mike against a bigger Holyfield, which was totally uncool in the ring, but may save you in a real brawl). A hair grab is a very effective and practical move, leaving him with less mobility. Pulling his hair in a downward direction may give you the opportunity to throw an uppercut or knee strike to the face. Application of tactics which are labeled as foul and "below the belt" in combat sports is as normal and advisable as breathing in a street fight.

There are four easy ways to break the hold and escape when being grabbed by a bigger man. Deliver a headbutt to the face, bite the skin (the Masseter muscle, the muscle for biting, attached and located in the jaw area, is the strongest muscle in the human body. However, be aware that biting the skin endangers you because your adversary's blood may be infected with HIV or other contagious viral diseases). Stomping the toes can discontinue a bear hug. Or you can simply twist and break your foe's finger joints to break his hold.

Do not hit the hard tissues of the body, only aim at his vulnerable areas like the knees, groin, eyes, bridge of the nose, kidney, heart, neck, throat, and the solar plexus. These are the pain sensitive areas of the body.

No matter how big a person is, a solid kick to the crotch will inflict a crippling pain. Even world-class heavily muscular boxers will collapse in pain if accidentally or perhaps deliberately struck in the groin with enough force. You can call it dirty, but it is practical and effective. A solid uppercut (you can apply this as a sucker punch) to the groin is one of the best weapons a small man can deliver against a bigger opponent. Practice delivering the uppercut with a heavy bag to develop a powerful groin shot.

aking a bigger person down will require getting him off balance or taking advantage of his own imbalance. If your opponent throws a punch that you can see coming, duck underneath, sliding your leg into the center of his body. Drive your shoulder into his chest and grip behind both knees. Now drive your legs forward to take him down.

The double leg sweep is an excellent move because it targets one of the weakest points of the body---the Achilles tendon. This move may require you to distract your opponent, either with a shove or a bump. Once you are in range, deliver a kick to the back of your opponent's legs, just below the knee. You may need to grab the shirt or pull the shoulder in the direction opposite the kick to get him down.

Use his size against him when he attacks and steps forward block his hand grip twist and step in turn your body to the left at the waist and pull his arm with you you will see him go off balance and continue the pull

Pivot on the balls of your feet if you have to turning to the left it will almost break his arm and twist him off balance and throw him to the floor once there kick him in the balls

Another way is when e swings fist first time if it's a right wait till he does a left and grab with both hands pull to the side he is swinging towards an let go with one hand, your strongest, and hit with the tip of your your fingers at the point where your kidneys touch your ribs on your side about 1 hands length below you armpit hit there with the finger tips as hard as you can or just with your fist or elbow he won't be able to move that side very much

A few other nerve points you could attack depending on his height is the side of his neck under his chin and jaw so just attack anywhr

The leg might go out if the guy switches and he does either judo gresteth which guro or shoot ju jitsu so it doesnt work all the time .

So hes like a head and a half taller than me probably more stronger than me a year and a half older than me but no fighting experience while I do mma any tips ? Or have any stories of a time you once beat someone you thought you were gonna lose to

(please dont tell me not to do it)