> Tips for MMA training?

Tips for MMA training?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Great answer by samuraiwarrior.

Rest is imperative period, you need at least 2 days off in the week to recover and for your muscles to repair all those microtears you are going to be putting in them.

From a nutrition stand point you are going to require more calories, more carbs, and more protein for this change. Obviously looking to complex carbs (sweet potatoes, whole grains, brown rice, etc.) while maintaining a balance of enough refined carbs and sugars to keep your energy up. Ensuring you are getting enough protein is key for recovery. Hydration should go without saying as well as upping potassium and magnesium levels to help reduce lactic acid build up.

Lean meats, lots of veggies, whole fruits (not juice), and a healthy balance of complex and refined carbohydrates.

From a training stand point samurai is right on, balance your workouts and spread them accordingly.

Something like this:

Mon: Distance run (45mins to 1 hour)AM, MMA class PM.(1-2 hours)

Tues: Flat surface biking (1 hour) (nice low impact activity) AM, Swimming 1-2 hours PM

Wed: Rest AM. MMA Class (1-2 hours) PM

Thur: Rest day, read, watch videos, meditate, work on your mind.

Fri: Sprints AM (1 hour) MMA Class (usually sparring) (1-2 hours)

Sat: Swimming 1 to 2 hours, biking, whatever.. moderate cardio day.

Sun: Rest completely. Work out mind.

Diet will coincide with this as well. Including eating 5 to 6 times a day. Concentrating protein intake after workouts, and carb intake before workouts. More calories and carbs early in the day. Last meal of day should be protein rich.

A couple of things immediately come to mind for someone like yourself that I would recommend. First; consider split workouts rather than just one long workout each day. Something like a 90 minute to two hour workout in the morning and then another in the evening with rest and time in between to re-hydrate and help let your body recover from the rigors of the morning workout. You might make that second workout a light workout where you just work on technique and the more technical aspects. I would especially favor that approach in the beginning so that your body does not start to break down. All that working out and the demands of it suddenly put on your body can really put a strain on it in a lot of different ways so ease into this somewhat also is what I am saying here.

Secondly is to listen to your body and after a 2-4 days of two workouts have a light day or maybe even consider a day off. That way you will give your body additional time to rest and recover as well as avoid burn out and able to maybe get some other things done you might need to do or do some other things you also enjoy.

Your question brings up one of the things that any athlete has to learn to do and be successful at if they are going to train and reach a high level. That is time management and being organized. Thinking ahead and scheduling things in such a way that their lives accommodate all their training while still meeting other demands that are put on them by outside factors is often needed and I think you will want to exercise some of that here as well. I would recommend that you do some of this also and plan out your weeks that you are going to be doing your workouts while taking those other things into account and maybe trying to schedule those other things on light days where you have one workout or days off where you are resting entirely.

How much do you train today? You don't need to do anything special. I just doubt that you'll actually do it. If you don't train anything today I doubt you'll just spring into 4 hours of training every day like it's your job. Very few people can go from 0 to 100 on their own.

Are you sure its not singles martial arts meaning Jiu Jitsu only or Kickboxing or Muay Thai only and thats for a lawn not a muscle car.

Ok, so the holidays are coming up, and I plan on doing 2-4 hours of training a day (including MMA training, swimming, going for runs), but I know that this is going to be very hard on my body. Basically, I am asking for tips on nutrition and anything you know that would help my body repair enough to train for the two week period without stuffing myself up. Anything would be appreciated, thankyou.