> Those that have defended yourself? street level self defense.?

Those that have defended yourself? street level self defense.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I have been involved in many altercations at a job. I can tell you that you don't 'think' anything. You react. I get that rush too, but alter it is all over. Train hard and it becomes instinctive.

If you need to think, you are already done for.

Most of the time it felt Ok after, because a lock and done. But when someone got hurt as did happen too, it is not a nice feeling. Still, it feels good to know you prevented worse.

1. Too Much! Excitement, Calmness, Anger, etc. All sorts of things, but are quickly depleted and I am calm and focused.

2. Kicks in. I just go with the flow and adapt to whatever the situation is. I am also very violent, ruthless, cruel, and unforgiving. It's not at all nice so I avoid conflict at all cost bc there has been a time where I got carried away in a fight.

3. Depends. Cold somewhat heartless in a way, almost glad. At other times I feel completely terrible and unhappy. Sometimes I am surprised and scared and even ashamed on just how violent I can be. How much anger I can unleash. Emotions vary, sometime I wonder what I feel.

1. Nothing was going on ad far as I can remember.

2. I didn't have to think about my training. it just took over and I reacted the way I had been trained.

3. After it was over I had different thought depend on which time. It was a relief that i was okay or that the ones I was protecting were okay. I have though about how I could have been hurt or killed. I've had I can't believe that happen and what just happened feeling.

1) Nothing. The emotions comes after it is over and you realized what just happened.

2) Training has to kick in because there is no time to focus. You either react or you are too late.

3) Scared. Thankful. Relieved.

1. I was thinking,.... I can't believe this is happening. There was no time for fear or any other thoughts.

2. I lived trained and taught 5 to 6 days a week for a long time, so I only did what came naturally to me. Had I trained less, who can say how things would have gone?

3. A bit shocked, still trying to get myself to believe what had just happened.


well ive done this multiple times sometimes they wernt as serious

1 fear excitement but recentally i was threatened and felt nothing so im guessing i might of overcame that stuff

2 well most where when i was a kid and i did tang soo do so yea i wasnt really looking to eye gouge. i usually lock up cause im bigger i once judo threw my cousin before knowing what judo was

3 well different i usually ended up crying even though i mostly won

Initially when I was a teenager it was more of a preparation (mentally) a few seconds before it started (it happened several times back then and it was easy to understand when it was going to happen), then it was something like intercepting an attack (a strike in the face mainly when the opponent was in its very start of his movement) and then a control of the situation, either with a hair pull to the ground (face facing the ground), either a push over a desk to fell down, either something similar and in some cases when the opponent was standing a continuation of a few additional strikes in the face...1 with 10 minutes after the situations or immediately after, most of the times we were friends again.:) with much more respect for each other...

As an adult by then I was able to apply the art of fighting with out fighting...a lot of emotional intelligence and similar things, so this was not happening very often...One of the cases as an adult that it was not that expected, I just avoided the food ready to come in my face.:) by standing up and getting into a favorable position and then striking the opponent to the back of the head a few times...Then I was quite angry, he tried to sue me, he went to the police, the people there said it was self defense, he went to the hospital and by then the art of fighting with out fighting became more and more dominant in my way of dealing with cases.....

In general and in relation with this.....if someone shows before or after...hm...lets say a bad type of a fearful attitude, (in the negative type of sense at list) I think he/she may not be ready yet for this type of defense in the degree at list, that sometimes is more like nothing and most of the times is an appropriate to the case force...The same applies to people that may think (in a negative way at list) aaa....there are more, aaa...they are trained, is him or the other, who beats who and stuff like that....because the art of fighting with out fighting, for me at list, is more like....

Someone is better to be quite impenetrable in a sense, since otherwise, it will be like a rooftop of a house in the heavy rain that leaks....When the rooftop does not leak then someone can build a very nice house that will not be so much about security but about other things...and that is the beauty of what I think as self-defense....Flexible rooftop yes, with room for improvement always, nicely designed and build but normal rooftop, that does not leak and does not fly away with the first wind.:)

That doesn't mean that they are not capable of feeling anything, but that they can find the answers in a way easier, consciously and subconsciously as well...

Had a few fights but noteably one that stands to mind was when a very large drunken man was harrassing me , i decided that it was time to leave and as i was leaving he had grabbed me from the side and behind. I didnt even think about it to be honest, i just immediately positioned his leg between mine, dropped base, then reached down and hooked his ankle took him down and sat on his knee and perfomed a standing kneebar.

His crazy wife began running at me and i stepped forward and hit her and then hip tossed her and left. I didnt have time to think about any of it, it wasnt until later on that i realised what had happened. so it was most definately my training because i didnt give one single thought to what happened at the time.

Later on i felt bad that it resorted to that..

1. It went EXTREMELY fast but i thought this is it my time to shine

2. It came naturally. Block, punch sweep, grapple

3. I felt PROUD but a tiny nervous since i broke his arm


Here is a good course you can follow if you want to learn some self defence tecniques to protect yourself and your family http://www.downloadita.it/r/rd.asp?gid=4...

Cheers ;)

1,What was going on in your head, fear, excitement or blankness etc

2,Did your training kick in as natural or did you really have to focus on it.

3,How did you feel after the event.

Im not after glory stories, just interested in how people dealt with it.