> Thinking on joining mma Any tips before I join ?

Thinking on joining mma Any tips before I join ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
When you consider that your hands are your life, i would definately avoid striking as Bogeyman said. A grappling art would be a better choice. there is no forced trauma there although you will need to realise that damage to hands can happen in any style. I have seen many broken fingers and hands over the years.

If playing the piano is your chosen career goal then training in a system that is primarily striking based may not be your best bet. There are other systems available that are effective self-defense systems that do not focus on striking as a primary method of defense. You might try Aikido, Hapkido, or Jiu-Jitsu (including GJJ/BJJ. They are considered "soft" systems because their defense format is based on manipulating your opponents energy and force against themselves. They require less striking and would therefore be more suited to someone who wants to play piano as a career.

I have been training and fighting (not so much fighting lately) for over 40+ years, and at 52 I have chronic pain in both hands and reduced dexterity. I also have some numbness in my fingers, as well as reduced circulation, due to repeated impacts and subsequent damage from compression of the joints and bones in my hands.

Focus on what is most important to your future and shape the other aspects of your life around, and in support of, that goal. I always wanted to be a Martial Artist and to instruct others so that they could prevent themselves from becoming victims, and overcome the trauma of having been victimized in the past. That is what I do, and that is what I try to live for, it is who I am. Be who you are and strive to meet the goals you have set for yourself, believe it can be.

I'm now thinking on starting mma but im not sure if its a good idea or a bad one , Ive done

Tae-kwon-do for a year and three months , and ive done boxing for 6 months i had to give them up for personal matter's , I want to be very fit (although i kinda am) and I want a sport that has alot of fitness but as well as very good self defence knowlage . I kinda am worried since I play the piano im worried to damage my hand , Sorry If i sound girly But the piano's my career . Im not sure if its a good idea or a bad one so please help ! Sorry for typo's im dyslexic