> Thinking of doing Mixed Martial Arts?

Thinking of doing Mixed Martial Arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 

Now, as long as you are assessed by a medical professional and have been judged to be able enough to fight, there will be no problem.

However, be prepared to be rejected; heavy blows are known to cause retinal detachment in fighters, which may make your existing injury worse. Of course, I do not know the nature of your injury, so the risk might be very small.

In such cases, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

For what it's worth, my favorite boxer of all time fought a good number of matches blind in one eye. He fought some of his greatest matches, with men far more vicious and hungry than today's fighters, after his injury.

Harry Greb, with 261 wins, 17 losses and 19 draws.

Just mentioning this so he may serve as inspiration to you.

If that is your desire you should go for it. As far as your eye is concerned the only opinions that you need are yours and your doctor's. None of the rest really matters. If your doctor says you are safe t train and this is something you want to pursue by all mean do it!


No that should not stop you. Mike Winklejohn a pretty famous MMA trainer, and I believe former Kickboxer completely lost his eye, in a training accident. If he's able to train and coach people, then you're certainly more than capable.

Good luck

I have been taking karate for 3 years and have been looking to cross train into mixed martial arts. I am visually impaired in one of my eyes (childhood injury) and I was wondering if this will stop me from trying to join a league ? My visual impairment has never been a problem for me when I am sparing or grappling or during any other type of combat training before. I'm fairly good at standup and grappling is my strong suit if that helps