Muay Thai kicks require a lot if coordination in the beginning because the motion doesn't quite feel natural until you've done it for a month or two. It's extremely common for people to feel like they aren't able to kick as hard as they like. When you train the kicks, start out doing them in slow motion every time. Build up the speed over time. Starting slow will let you make sure you're doing the whole thing right. As you build up intensity, try to feel out how you get the best power. You have to do the right thing with your feet, hips, and hands all at just the right time for it to all come together correctly.
Feel free to email me at if you want advice on specific kicks. I've been at it for a while.
What he said, and use a bag too, don't only practice kicking in the air.
He pra kicks it you should know to bad, that should be ya know. Are you going to know the rules of Ka Rah Te. He is prac kicksing all kinds of things you should know Ka Rah Te.
Iv recently started Thai boxing and MMA. Iv noticed my kicks aren't as good as if like. How do you get the technique in kicks better with more power. Also what exercises boost agility so I'm faster, stronger and more explosive?