> Taking physical bullying to a physical fight.?

Taking physical bullying to a physical fight.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Varies from country to country, state to state and school to school.

You'll probably get suspended or expelled for it but I doubt you'll do time.

Try this out!


Not really you should drink green tea.

yes it is!

kick his ***

okay, so first i will start off by saying i am in the 8th grade, currently in the last grade of middle school. what i am asking is if some "Bully" does anything physically aggressive to me, such as tripping, hard slaps on the back done purposely, ect. would is be okay for me to say "beat the **** out of them"? today on the way to lunch to kids, i would say are the victims, attempted to trip me. this happened twice. now i wasn't sure if one or both did it, so i didn't take physical action. if this happens again and say i do punch them back, then what?

my questions below:

1.) some child trips me, i punch him, i get suspended. who will that effect my future?

2.) is middle school the best time? i don't want to get in physical fights when i got to high school and ruin my reputation instantly putting out a bias for me.

I'm sorry but i cant think of anything else. if there is anything i should know, let me know!! the more educated i get in this category, the better the chances i get in less trouble when the time comes. i don't see another way to stand my grounds and state dominance to maintain respect from others. one more thing these two are complete assholes and are not favored so much by the common people. what i am saying if i get in a physical fight, not all people will hate me.