> Tai Chi crescent Kick.....?

Tai Chi crescent Kick.....?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
No, not if you do it/power it correctly. It also does not just come from the front leg it can come just as easily from the rear leg.

Are you sure you understand chi correctly? It is not some mystical thing Taiji practitioners have access to. It is used by all martial arts so called external as well as internal martial arts and by many sports such as baseball, gymnastics, skating, you name it. It is not exclusive to just martial arts and martial arts does not have the monopoly on chi if other athletes know it or not but a lot of the really good ones also use chi even though they have never learned it let alone focused on developing it. It automatically finds you through intensive training and merely allows you to do things with less strength and more skill

Ive noticed in Tai Chi they have a kick that connects with the same part of the foot as a cresent kick ie the outer ankle, but is powered from hip rotation like a round kick, it is donewith the front leg.

Excluding use of internal chi powers. Is it as powerful as a lead leg muay thai round house kick? Or is it significantly weaker?

They practice it by walking around a circular line.

Its a really cool way to learn, but bottom line is IS it weak?