> Taekwondo pro fighters?

Taekwondo pro fighters?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
In the US, I don't know of any way a Taekwondo practitioner can make money directly from martial arts from any other way than a) instructor b) MMA fighter c) bodyguard or other security/law enforcement job. Even the instructor bit is more of a coach role, or even a blending of martial arts and daycare for small children, or martial arts and fitness for adults.

This question has already been pretty well tackled in this Yahoo discussion:


Not only that, I did meet one guy who was a Tangsoodo practitioner full time. He was also an actor/stuntman/part-time instructor, and he swore that the money wasn't good. Another Tangsoodo guru (Tangsoodo is very similar to Taekwondo, it is Korean striking but uses the Okinawan Karate forms) I met made his living training government agents----but he knew other styles in addition to just Tangsoodo and had decades of experience behind him. Still another one supervised orderlies at a mental institution, but relied upon the Yu Sul (grappling/jujitsu/control techniques) aspects rather than striking.

Lots of times in the US, if you're not a big draw in Boxing or MMA, you're not going to make a lot of money. You may make some sponsor money from being a pro TKD fighter, but, you'd probably spend just as much money travelling all over the place to be at all of the competitions.

Don't feel too bad about it. Judo suffers from the same issues. Ronda Rousey is not making money from Judo per se, she is making it from MMA and other endorsements that she got after building a big Judo reputation.

There is no direct path for it. You'll have to hustle.

How do pro tkd fighters get paid ,, do they take money when they are chosen in the national team ,, or just when they win big tournaments like olympics and world championships etc.. and around how much ? ,,, do they give different money from a fighter to another if he was better ? Or they only get paid by their sponsors ? Does one fighter can get sponsors or just the whole team like gb team per example