> Taekwondo and self-harm...?

Taekwondo and self-harm...?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Honey, self harming is not the way to handle anything. All it does is hurt you more than you already are. It is not helping anything. No instructors will be offended by you doing this and some like myself would sit you down and tell you to come and see me next time you feel like you need to cut. I would prefer someone take their frustration/hurt out on me rather than go and cut themselves.

Most people now in the modern world understand about cutting as it is a global trend now, so most people dont bat an eyelid at the situation if they see your cuts, its all in your head, no one else's. No instructor will make you quit and i would very highly doubt that they will tell your parents because to be a quality instructor you must have the trust of your students and to breech that trust effectively ends any chance to teach them.

I believe you should be speaking to a psychologist and trying to deal with the issues and of course TKD is a distraction from the cutting but it wont solve the problem.You need to fix the reason why you are cutting and to seek help is the best way to do this. Even speaking to your parents will be something that will help you, but if you cant talk to them than atleast talk to someone.

Good luck

If they are good instructors they will try to help. They won't make you quit! that is not what TKD is about! It is like my favorite saying ever from TKD "A black belt is more than something you wear, a black belt is more than something you achieve a black belt is something you become" When you start as a white belt you are not perfect! At my TKD we have 3 pillars that say "Respect" "Confidence" and "Discipline" and "self" can go in front of any of those. That is what you are striving for but may not be what you start at. The most your instructors will do is sit down with you, listen to you and talk to you. A good instructor is there for their students when they need them. At my school all you would have to do is ask for an appointment and not even tell them what for until you are in there.

Any jewelry has to come off during training too, not just during testing. Once you start partner drills it is too easy for someone's fingers get caught in your bracelets and bent in a way they are not meant to bend. If the bracelets are metal then the problem is even worse and blocks will hurt you and your partner.

As others have said, get help. You deserve to feel good about yourself and be happy. Martial arts alone will not do the trick without counseling and working on what is really making you unhappy. It merely is a distraction but not a solution.

Martial arts is about self-protecting, so first stop self-harming Haylee and stop worrying about what the instructors will tell if they see your wounds.:) Then when you stop self-harming and you feel good about yourself and others, you will be more ready to join in.

Good luck.:)

Hmm talk to someone. At least you're acknowledging the problem seriously it's not worth it. No one deserves that misery.

I'm looking to start taekwondo with my friend, but there's a slight problem. I self harm, and there are cuts everywhere: legs, thighs, stomach, wrists, arms and shoulders. The uniforms are very loose and usually aren't extremely long. I wear bracelets to hide my scars on my wrists, but in testings and such will they make me take them off? I'm just worried about people being able to see them if my sleeves fall backwards etc. And what will the instructors do if they find out about my cutting? Will they make me quit taekwondo or call my parents? Thank you so much!