> Swords not guns?

Swords not guns?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
It's possible.

Supposedly there was a large solar flare recently that just missed earth. "Big enough to knock civilization back into the 18th century" is what the scientists said.

Also socialism and communism can hit big. No civilians are allowed to have firearms. Only who the government deems worthy.

A giant natural disaster can happen or a widespread disease wiping out most of the population.

But the knowledge of making firearms exist, so even if we did have to retort back to swords etc, that wouldn't last long, bc the knowledge of firearms will still exist, and people will make them.

Unless there's a day where swords and axes can end someone like a sniper rifle...then no. Even if there's lightsabers, most people aren't bothered about being close up and personal. Even in zombie apocalypse, bows and arrows, molotov cocktails probably give you better survivalhood than swords.

Maybe people will use swords if they could do it like Shinto Priest and cast curses.

Bows and arrows, crossbows and even explosives aren't that hard to make.

Might be possible but i don't think that it will happen in this 50 years. If there are a way to disable the use of this weapons, the world will change greatly. Some countries might be saved from terrorism, pollution reduced etc.

We can't predict the future. But the law of probability are against it. Most places today have laws against walking around with blades that are over a specific length. Those laws are likely not to be repealed.

There is a famous quote from Einstein: "I don't know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought; but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones"

Be careful what you wish for.

After the zombie apocalypse, all the guys who make bullets will run out of raw materials. Or be zombies... Then, that sword hanging on the wall will be useful.

Highly improbable. Humans have shown a predilection for going for more advanced, not less advanced, weapons. The only real exception was Japan, when it closed it's borders, but even then, some soldiers were still trained in the use and tactics of firearms. Even if someone rounded up all the guns tomorrow, people would still make makeshift firearms.

Well I dont think that would be possible unless all the guns were destroyed. Like HankScorpio said it would take an event such as a large global event.

Well, yeah. Pretty much anything could happen in the future, although I doubt you'd like being run through with a sword that much.

This being the present, however, there are still people who forge swords, battle axes, etc. if you know where to find them. You could always try to learn how to make them, if that interests you. You can also take lessons on how to wield them. The easiest lessons to find are probably for archery (very fun).

So I'm problem gonna sound like a super nerd but is there any possible chance the world will one day be swords and axes etc. instead of guns I would love it n just wanted to know if it was possible