> Swords in public places?

Swords in public places?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Even if it were a hundred percent legally fine, a business can ask you to leave for any reason. So, they could ask you to leave merely because they feel uncomfortable with having the sword on the property and if you don't they could call the cops for THAT.

Where is your source on this,

They will arrest you for carrying a sword or knife in the manor you describe if you don't believe me. Try it.

California has the some of the most strict laws in this area

I would imagine they would not allow you in and most likely call the police. Think about it, if you were I there place, you don't know who you are, you are carrying a sword around and want to come into the place you are working at or that you own. Would you let that guy in? If you say yes you are lying.

How many people do you see on any given day doing this?

Wrong ! They will call the police. You would probably be arrested and jailed for having a dangerous weapon in public. You'd probably also lose the sword.

There's a limit on how long a bladed weapon can be carried in public, and all of them will be illegal in the public places you mentioned.

You'll be lucky if they don't taze or shoot you.

Wrong. I know San Jose for instance passed an ordinance against swords of any kind allowed in public because of two high profile hackings where the victims were killed ten or so years ago. Many of your municipalities have laws against you carrying a weapon like this and you will find yourself in trouble and being charged with something pretty quickly these days. While there is some leeway here that is afforded to people like military collectors and martial artists the burden of proof is always on you to prove that you meant no harm and that happens only after you have been charged and arrested, your weapon confiscated, and you go to court. You can legally carry a martial arts weapon to a karate school or place of demonstration or competition but that right revolves around displaying the weapon, and practicing with it, or demonstrating its use-not for personal protection. I never transport weapons outside of a case, never just leave them in my car all the time or under my seat, or to places where its the general public and you no reason to carry something like that.

Just carrying a weapon like what you are suggesting would land you in jail or being charged and having to go to court pretty quickly if you were not jailed.

please do it. please go play inuyasha in public.

Not really a good idea.

I live in California and I already know that you can legally have a sword or knife in public as long as it is visible (non-concealed) or in a sheath on your belt.

What I was wondering is, what would happen if I went into a store, a restaurant, or a movie theater with a sword visible? What would they do?

Please only answer if you plan on answering the question. Don't answer if you only plan on questioning why I have sword or why I need one etc...

The question is entirely hypothetical.