> Sword Fighting Help?

Sword Fighting Help?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
The various types of "sword fighting" still in existence include Western fencing, with the foil, epee, and saber, Japanese Kendo, the sporting form of Kenjutsu, Western medieval fighting styles that are still practiced by some groups, Filipino kali/escrima which use the machete, parang, and kris....

No doubt there are a few others.

The bottom line is that you cannot teach yourself. In order to do any of these activities properly, you need instruction and you need other people to fence/spar/practice with.

Waving a sword of any kind around by yourself will teach you absolutely nothing.

Fencing, whatever type, is about timing, the perception of the other person's blade and body movements, the learning of the standardized parries and attacks....

You can find instruction in all these styles if you wish and you are able to spend the money for equipment and lessons. Often, outlets like the YMCA will have fencing classes for a reduced rate.

Universities often have fencing clubs of various sorts that are open to outsiders.

Various kenjutsu techniques work using the katana, which is similar to a saber.

For Western training, there are various medieval study groups going around reconstructing things. Check meetup dot com or other websites for social organizations.

Check sword buyer's guide online to get a list of Western and Eastern sword manufacturers and sellers. Also reviews.

Without trying to sound negative, you really need to find a teacher or a dojo that you can practice at.

For western styles I believe that fencing is the most popular, regarding eastern techniques or Samurai related arts you can try the following:

Iaido - the art of drawing the sword correctly with focus on surprise attacks.

Kendo - which is basically sparing with a bamboo sword.

Kenhutsu – which can also involved hand to hand techniques.

Just join fencing class in your school or a club nearby you. There are three weapons in fencing and saber is one of them so you can learn saber fencing from there. You can actually get steel practice sword for the class with the proper mask and jacket. You'll get to learn how to use the saber properly and you'll get to fight other swordsman just about every class you attend.

I want either to teach myself to sword fight, or to begin taking lessons. I'm thinking of using a saber-type sword, and I'm looking at buying a 30-inch 3-pound wooden practice sword off of Amazon. Obviously not one of those aluminum blades, because I don't want my parents freaking out on me. When I say "saber type," I mean a sword like those used in Napoleonic times, straight-bladed up until the last 7 or so curved inches.

So what I really need to know is: What style of sword fighting should I dedicate self to learning?

I want something versatile, fairly widely used so that I won't have to look all over to find somewhere to train or a sparring partner. I like close to mid-range combat, and I don't have major strength (but that could be changed). My style is more slashes and parries than stabs and thrusts, but I can handle both. I have no preference between Eastern and Western techniques.

If anyone has any idea how and what style would be best for me, please reply. Thanks!