> Switching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gyms?

Switching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gyms?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Sounds like a change will be far more beneficial for you. The fact that you have been there 8 years and dont feel comfortable with the way they run things makes me think you are very young still because an adult would have left by now.

The concept of contracts i am completely against. I agree with 1 month payment systems at certain places as well as walk in payment but not contracts that is wrong in my eyes.

Training with family can be a difficult thing to do sometimes, i understand this better than most. I had my time away from training with my family for a few years and it was good to receive guidance from someone else just to get another perspective. I avoid places where i am training with friends simply because i am there to train not to socialize. Atleast with family there is no socialization because you are sick of the sight of each other half the time haha.

Maybe you could look at spending a short stint doing some other form of training such as Judo to strengthen your grappling and this gives you a way out of coming to BJJ and then when you are ready to go back then you can just begin training at the other place. that is an option.

Good luck

You should leave like totally

I've been attending my gym for 8 years. Over time, the quality of my gym has gone down, and I am no longer satisfied with the way things are ran, and their methods. I have given my gym several chances to convince me to stay, but nothing has. I was reluctant at first, because everyone there is practically my family. But I had realized that it had stopped being beneficial towards me, and that while I was so close with these people, it was time for me to think of myself. I am unfortunately under a contract, as well as the school slowly becoming a McDojo. There is a nearby school that some of my friends attend, and I have trained there before. The environment was much better and more beneficial to me. I am still unsure what to do, and I feel as if I will be disliked by my current gym family for choosing to switch schools. Help!