> Starting wrestling my junior year?

Starting wrestling my junior year?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
If you're going into it assuming you'll do well because you're strong and you have previous MA experience, it's going to be a sad day for you. I'm not trying to destroy your confidence, but like most grappling arts, strength will only get you so far in wrestling. It's mostly based on technique with some strength involved. Sure you might get wrecked at the beginning, but then you'll pick it up and get better at it.

I know the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu philosophy of no ego isn't really used in wrestling but it should be. The concept is basically learning to let go of your ego. Because in wrestilng your ego is going to get repeatedly smashed and destroyed. For those with a big ego, this is too much to handle and they quit. Which is why it's for the best that you just get rid of it altogether. Because then if you lose, you won't care. For me, this is what held me back for my first year of training. I cared so much about winning, that it made me afraid to try anything new.

Good luck. And stick with it.

You never want to assume you're going to get "wrecked" in anything that you begin. The fact that you have taken Kenpo and you weight train should give you "some" confidence. You're not a weakling. Wrestling is a very physical, contact sport, but you're young so you can recover from injury faster than older people can, and you are already in a contact sport in your Kenpo classes and your body is strong and durable from weight training, so you're already ahead of several other guys in your wrestling program who are not particularly athletic. You're not a couch potato who is likely to get badly hurt.

In a similar manner, I lift weights and I am part of a running club. Well, my running club just began implementing Crossfit bodyweight training at the end of the run we go on. Well, because I was already into weight training and running "before" taking up Crossfit, it was more of a smooth transition for me to do Crossfit than it was for the people who "only run", or "only lift weights" and it was especially challenging to the people who "just joined" the running club "and" Crossfit. Like I said, you have already demonstrated a lot of athleticism just from training in Kenpo and lifting weights. You are going to find that wrestling brings an element of realistic rough-and-tumble techniques to your fighting arsenal that Kenpo only "touches on." Wrestling skill makes a Kenpo fighter into an even more formidable fighter.

There is always a chance you or any other person can get wrecked. The important thing is to listen to your coaches and do the best you can to learn how to do what they are teaching. The rest comes with more experience.

you'll probably get wrecked. better work on your squat and deadlift son

I know people can't answer this for sure but I plan on training hard the next three months for wrestling season to be ready. Right now I take Kenpo martial arts. I am 5'7 140 I'm pretty strong I bench press 185 for 3 sets of 8. But I'm trying to stay as confident as possible for wrestling season but is there a good chance

I'm gonna get wrecked? I can fight I know for a fact and I'm committed to learning wrestling.