> So awkward starting out in martial arts?

So awkward starting out in martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Trust me they all know how you feel and know what you are going through. Everyone starts where you are and they understand.(Nobody starts out awesome and kicking *** or they would be the ones teaching the class) Just focus on getting better quickly for your own sake and for theirs.

On everything else, you are the type that thinks too much and not act enough. Don't think. Don't think if saying sensei is weird or meeting people and fist bumping is weird. Just do it. Say sensei right now. Like really sound it out. It's not so bad is it? But if you think about it you just talked yourself in another language because a random symbol that's showing on your screen told you so. See how stupid something sounds when you over think it when it is rather a normal and simple thing?

The problem is not with you so much but with the instructor I think and way he starts off new students. I never started a student off in a regular class just for the reasons you are now writing about and feeling. Instead I started off new students with a series of 4-6 classes just for them where they learned simple and basic things. This way I could focus on that and them and the class was at a pace that did not put them in a position like you find yourself in now. Then when they would start regular class they could contribute and do some things rather than being left to maybe flounder like you are now. Unfortunately some instructors instead use the sink or swim approach and if you get it fine; if not you will sooner or later or quit.

As I see it you have a few options; some will require you to come out of your shell though. You might ask one of the senior students to help you better understand something after class or spend a few minutes reviewing it and helping you with it. Another option is to ask about private lessons and maybe consider taking a few of those covering those areas and things that you are having trouble with. A third option is to video tape some of these things and then reviewing it afterwards. A fourth option is to come to class but not work out but instead just watch and observe while also listening more carefully to what is being said and done if you can't video tape it. It sometimes becomes easier to first learn something when you can just watch it without having to try and do it while learning it at the same time.

Consider those options above but don't regress or make the situation worse by balling up in a shell. Instead extend yourself to them and seek help and ways to fix the problem and in six months or less a lot of these problems that you are having will be gone.

If you have a huge problem with calling the Sensei, Sensei, then you should go somewhere else that isn't traditional. If you want to do it, then why can't you call him by his title? That just seems like you don't respect him.

Going anywhere new where people already know each other can be awkward, new job, new school, new class, new city, new church. All you have to do is stick it out awhile and it becomes more comfortable, as long as you don't try to reject everything because it's a little uncomfortable.

You need to work out with someone at the same level. Do you have a friend who is interested in joining the school? It sounds like you're the only new person in the class and only get to work out with your senior students.

Each movement is carefully blended into your nerves and muscles. Scientists now know how this works. Doesn't much matter where you start out - you just practice those movements over and over and over.


Batman is death touch watch the DARK KNI.

Well my daughter started out when she was nine, she was thin and small and was awkward, she is now a world champion, it takes time and determination, you will get better, just do it.

It will take time just l

I recently started martial arts, and it's a little awkward. When we finish up training, they would all fist bump each other, but I would just stay in the corner because I still feel out of place. I did partner work and it was awkward since I kept messing up, and I feel like they didn't get a good training because of me, and would rather work with their friends who knew what they were doing. They call the teacher 'sensei' but I just can't do it, not yet, at least. I really don't want to do partner work anymore, and I almost wanted to leave because of shame last time.