> Should/when should I quit martial arts?

Should/when should I quit martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You should never stop learning martial arts. No matter how much you have learnt, there is always scope for improvement. However since you are not perssuing martial arts as your career, you can stop it for a while. Prepare for your exams, clear them and then when you have time join back and continue. All the best.

Martial arts increases the quality of your life, so I don't think you should quit. But if it is interfering with your school work and causing you to slack off, then I think you should give it a break for a little while. Don't let anything get in the way of your goals. Good Luck:)

I am a college student in the honor roll and I still participate in martial arts practice for at least 6 hours per week. No excuses.

Martial arts is a style of life that makes you face life easier, and create friendly relations with others

And the is always the fun of fighting :D

It'd b good if u could do both ... But if martial arts is gettin in the way then u needa decide which is most important .. And that choice should b easy .. School first if u can't Handel both

Martial arts practice concentrates the attention and adds energy to your body and mind. I have always found that whatever time and energy I put into my practice, it pays back more in being able to do everything else better.

Dannys answer sums it up best.


Ok, I have been doing martial arts for over a year now, and used to be really intimidated about going to classes, now not so much. I was intimidated for some stupid reasons, like struggling to do forward rolls (not easy when you're 6 foot 7), and worrying about getting hurt. However, I do get on well with my instructors, and my main reason for joining was to learn some moves for protection, and I have done that. However, when I go back to school, I will be working for exams and all that jazz. I will be working for prelims (mock exams), and soon after, real exams, with the prelims starting in November. Help please!