> Should we worry about martial law?

Should we worry about martial law?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Please do not feed the troll.

If by martial law, you mean government cracking down and using military force to control the population for dictatorship. Then no.

We have good men and women in the armed forces and they are loyal to the US as a nation and as the collection of their countrymen. Until there is a leader that the soldiers are more loyal to than their nation and their countrymen such martial laws are very unlikely.

The powers that be decides that. And it doesn't have to be in a response to civil unrest. Natural disasters or several other such reasons is why martial law is used.

yes u worry because they take your guns away

when u have no guns to defend martial law can effectively cripple the system

for a take over ...

i can't believe we Americans have this law on the table! what are we 5 years old? if we were responsible there be no reason for martial law. by the way the video game the last of us lets you experience martial law.