> Should i quit karate? Please read!!!?

Should i quit karate? Please read!!!?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
sometimes you need time away, talk to your father about taking time off for a little while. You may find that you are burnt out by it and just need a karate vacation. Ask to be allowed to take a month of two off and see how it works

The important issue isn't karate. The much more important thing is your relationship with your dad. If he "pushes" you it's because he knows that time spent well in youth pays off big later on. But often young people don't see that. Get close to your dad, and he seems to care a lot about you. Talk to him and discuss how you feel about it. Maybe you can work something out. Another poster suggested a karate "vacation." Not a bad idea. But don't try to fool yourself or your dad. A vacation means you're going back FULL BLAST when the vacation is over. If you can't commit to going back that way...then don't even suggest a "vacation." It would be quitting but trying to SNEAK out by calling it something else.Dishonesty of that kind will only hurt your relationship with your dad and your own personal growth. P.S. Personal growth hurts...whether you do it karate "style" or some other way.

Hiya, I do karate and I use to really enjoy it at times but as I got older it use to get a little bit boring at times. However, purple belt isn't that low, you are on your way! Don't quit now unless you really do hate it, you can always do bmx in your spare time. I know how you feel because sometimes I really can't be bothered going to my lessons but I always go because it's actually ok once I'm there. Remember, you are not far away! I always thought that there is no point quiting now after all these years. I'm on my 1st dan black belt in karate and trust me, it gets a lot better as you achieve your higher grades and not only that, you feel so much better about yourself because there is something there to be proud of. It is realy up to you but, if your not sure.. Keep going until you really know:) your doing well, remember you can do bmx in your free time or whenever you feel like it, and karate does get more advanced as you get higher up! Only quite if you realy realy do ditest it!!

Is it a time or just a boredom issue? I got up to my red belt and due to various issues was not able to get my black and really wish I did. I have gone on and off again as time permits but it sounds like you are young enough to make time for both.

If you are bored, try to study a different style on your own to spice things up or see if your instructor is open to bringing a hapkido, judo, aikido, MMA, Kung Fu, etc. instructor to learn different techniques.

Don't know I quit karate to and I still feel safe but it depends will your dad make it less fun, that it already is.

Listen to your dad

I Used to like karate, but this saturday i'm testing for my purple belt i don't have as much fun anymore. My dad keeps pushing me to go but i like BMX alot more! PLEASE ANSWER!!!!