> Should i develop my new Wing Chun version?

Should i develop my new Wing Chun version?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
After my 4th year of training in Kajukenbo, I still believed that I was just understanding the basics of it. After 14 years, I still believe that I know what I know, but I am not an expert in it.

My original instructor sort of created his own style, combining two Branches of Kajukenbo, a Hawaiian Kenpo, a gung-fu style and an FMA. But he did not give a new name to what he teaches, he still calls it Kajukenbo. My original instructor has about 40 years of experience in the martial arts.

Understand that you have your personal likes and dislikes, but continue to experiment and don't be concerned about creating a new style. Your own personal interpretation of your martial art will evolve on its own.

I've "only" trained for a bit over a dozen years and don't feel qualified to "create" a new martial art. What makes you think you have more skill and/or knowledge than me or anyone else with many years of training?

I agree with pugpaws2, you sound very ignorant.

Anything you "create" isn't really new but is just a limited subset of things already out there "taught" by someone with limited knowledge and understanding.

What is really ignorant is the people answering, who feel they know it all, are surprised when children ask questions like this. This is all new to them. Look at the questions, notice all can be answered better from a simple google search? Don't you get it? Maybe 1 out of 50 questions are probably asked by someone that is legally able to drive. Most questions are ridiculous because this is a (edit, because some got there panties in a bunch with me saying forum) Q&A where most people asking are extremely inexperienced in anything. This kid is probably younger than 16 so in his experience he thinks he should do this. So what! Most of you still think kata is a legitimate way to learn or teach.

This is a forum, get a clue. It's sad this is the only place you can go to feel important. Hanging on this forum for hours every day is very very sad.get a life!

so in short your saying you have no martial arts experience and are clueless about the styles you took so you want to create your own.

that just about sums up what you told us all

you have havent even reached a beginner level yet and you think you can create your own styles

So you've got yourself less than four years of martial arts training, and less than three years in a single system? Do you think you've studied enough to be able to begin to understand how to use your martial arts? I don't.

Here's a tip, though: if you're really worried about boxers and MMA fighters, why don't you go train where they face off against boxers and MMA fighters all the time? You know, boxing and MMA gyms. It's just logical: who's spent more time defending against the attacks in boxing and MMA than THOSE guys?

No you should practice Kenpo Karate or Kajukenbo.

You should sell this 'on line'. People always want to learn online and from videos. Like this:


They have an initial “One Time Only” Registration Fee of $1000 which gets you into the program and then there are your monthly fee’s of $285 per month.

They got no traceable/verifyable lineage either for what they teach. Would you train with them? If not what makes yours different?

Wing Chung sucks. Wing Chung modified poorly by complete amateurs is even worse.

You do not have a clue how ignorant you sound to those of us that have spend 20 or more years training seriously in the martial arts.


No, you should not make a new Wing Chun version. Your still just a baby when it come to martial arts.

Okay, so let me introduce you myself. I was trained for two and a half years in Shaolin Kung Fu and some animal styles. Also, learnt Wing Chun of Samuel Kwok lineage for 4-5 months and some Master Wong system Wing Chun for about 6 months, did some Kali and then i favour the Jeet Kune Do Concepts. So, using the concepts of Jeet Kune Do i was thinking of creating a new version of Wing Chun based on my experience in JKD, Wing Chun, Kali and Shaolin Kung Fu. I have learnt the Siu Lim Tao, the 18 Hands, Dan Chi Sao, stances, kicks, punchings, some sensitivity drills and some conditioning drills. Upon my study, i found traditional system is too much rigid to stand against MMA fighters and all. So, based upon my training experience, i am thinking to develop a new version of Wing Chun. This version will not have any solo form training, no chi gerk, no weapon, no dummy, etc. I wish to add some stances from Kali and Bi-Jong from JKD along with some footworks from Kali and JKD like the rock shuffle footwork. I wish to create an empty hand system of wing chun which has no dummy, no traditional thinkings, no sophistications, no weapons, etc. Try to get into my point. I wish to develop some new freezing wing chun techniques using which we can defend the MMA and powerful boxers. I'd work with the 18 hands, some kicks from savate, drills, chi sao, dan chi sao and regular sparring. Infact this is going to be the SIMPLEST VERSION OF ANY KUNG FU SYSTEMS, using only the 18 Hands.

I sa a blog post on this the other day, give me 5 min to check browser history.