> Should I start Tae Kwon Do at the YMCA?

Should I start Tae Kwon Do at the YMCA?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Kick boxa.

It depends on who the teacher is, his or her level of knowledge and skill as well as his or her ability to teach. It does not matter if you study in a park, at the Y or at some dojang.

Many well qualified instructors who can not afford to build their own school, or afford the insurance, teach at YMCAs until they can afford to establish their own school.

If you already train for MMA why is there are need to train in Taek Won Do as well? Is your MMA training that bad that they don't cover kicks and punches?

If you want to you then you should. There is nothing abnormal about it being in the YMCA. A lot of the schools that have their own lease started out in a YMCA, the quality isn't worse or different, the major downside is that they have less flexibility with the times they do classes and tests. As long as the instructor is good, and you attend regularly, it will be good for you.

In TKD, you wear a dobok, and if the instructor calls it a gi, then don't go there because that shows he doesn't know what makes TKD different from Karate.

it depends on the teacher (sensei). if they have a good teacher, ok.

i honestly wouldnt suggest going to the YMCA. its not very.... i cant find the word. your much better off going to a normal karate school. trust me

Hi, I'm 13 and thinking about starting TKD at the Y. I currently train for MMA. Is the Y a good place to train TKD? Also do they give you a gi or do I buy one from them or do I have to go out and buy one from somewhere else