> Should I quit karate NOW?!!!!!!! PLZ HELP!?

Should I quit karate NOW?!!!!!!! PLZ HELP!?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
It sounds like you have many Sensei and there is only a few that give you a hard time. I would go to one of the Sensei you do like and have a talk. Tell him/her how you are treated and that this creates enough stress for you that you are thinking about quitting. It seems to me that you would like to get your black belt but not under these conditions which is quite understandable. I think if you don't talk to someone and just walk out of it you will regret it later. At least give it that much before you quit. If you start somewhere else even if it is the same style but a different dojo you will lose time which seems senseless since you are so close and if you can work things out in your dojo. Part of being black belt material is to work out difficulties in a mature manner so don't just run without at least trying. You'll be the better person for it even if you don't succeed in changing things.

Bullying which what your Sensei do in my dojo is not allowed and a disgrace to any black belt who engages in such behavior especially towards a junior. Bullying creates resentment and never accomplished anything with any student. It is a shame that they did not create a wish in you to stay after black belt because that is really when you learn the really good stuff and the part you should be looking forward to, not the color of your belt.

Black belt means nothing to the people who've earned it, and everything to those who haven't.

I understand your feelings. I understand the sentiment that you should stick it out until you get your belt and then leave.

I can tell you this: you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by having a 1-to-1 conversation with your sensei and telling him/her how you feel - even exactly as you typed it here. Really: what's he gonna do to you that he hasn't done already?

The path you take is yours alone. None of us should ever tell you what path you should take. We are certainly not in your shoes, and we don't know what you're going through. But this is a life lesson opportunity, one that will repeat itself throughout your life. Facing your problems dead on will solve the problem right then and there. Do it properly, the problem will fizzle away like a fart in the wind. Facing your problem now means never having that problem again - ever. Of course, you have to take the step of facing your sensei, and even accepting criticism that might come your way. The reality is that we don't know his side of the story as well. So you don't have to tell him off, but you do owe it to him to explain how you feel and what your plans are.

Politely tell the instructor you get along with that you are being bullied and insulted. Tell them you feel like you soon will have to go somewhere else and take your MONEY with you which will either fix the problem or allow for you to train somewhere else. You are not actually near anything or far from something, the truth is a black belt is a piece of cloth and NOTHING more. Enduring insults is NOT part of karate training. Constructive criticism is.

Take it as a positive, its your thinking that is letting you down, You might be taking the hard instructors the wrong way? or maybe they are ar5eholes, but in the end.......................

You are so close to achieving your own personal goal, dont let anyone steal it out from you. Just keep in there, chip away at it, in the end when you overcome a personal obstacle, success taste so much better and you can truly say "I earned it" , but hey at the end of the day, its up to you.

All the best....

P.S, send me a PM when youve got your Black Belt!!!

Get your black belt then make your decision. You are too close to stop now unless you are enduring criminal behavior. Being annoying is not a crime. Yet.

Nah, you're not weak. Plus, if it helps, you can always find another dojo.

Sure, be a quitter. Then later in life when your boss is mean to you quit again. Then when your husband is mean to you, get a divorce. Then when your kids are mean to you, leave them.

Suck it up and show some internal fortitude.

Quit now, hurry!!!!

I'm been training for over 4 years and I'm currently a brown belt win 3 strips. In 2 months I'll be grading for my black belt and it will be a long 4 hour grading! I've kinda lost interest in karate though and this is because one class in particular I go to the senseis are quite mean and tell me off if I'm too slow or too weak and say I never try but I do, it's worse then it sounds and they make me feel pathetic. But I have to go to that class if I want to grade for my black belt that's why I basically just gave up after a while which sounds really bad ..I know. But I was thinking that if I quit now I won't have to worry about karate and my parents won't have to pay anymore which is a good thing but then again I might just regret not getting my black belt if I do! :( I've been stressing over this matter for weeks and I still have not come to a conclusion! So please if you can, give me some useful advice on what path I should take!