> Should I leave the dojo?

Should I leave the dojo?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I think you are way~ over thinking it and making yourself in the process. Just go, have fun, and ignore everything else.

Your post is confusing at the least. First you complain about an instructor making what you think are passes at you so you don't join. Then you do join out of the blue and now you complain that he is not paying enough attention to you and ONLY! correcting your martial arts. It's the ONLY thing he is supposed to do. What else did you want? did you join to see if he was still going for you? Has it occurred to you that your guy friend you confided in your suspicions of romantic intentions might have said something to the Sensei so now the Sensei, not wanting to give the wrong impressions to you or anybody else in the dojo is tiptoeing around you?

If I was you, I'd be training very hard and be very quiet and not expect any flirtations or special privileges, especially if you are jail bait or leave the dojo if you feel you embarrassed yourself enough to not be able to redeem yourself in time.

Bottom line, I think you misinterpreted the situation, word got back to the Sensei and he doesn't want any trouble being accused of something he probably didn't intent.

I have honestly no idea what it is that you are asking. First you talk about some dojo where someone recruited you and you think he had romantic interests in you but you never joined it. Then you changed your mind and joined the dojo but you complained about being a poor student, so you left that dojo? And now you are in a place with cool students and a talented teacher but you think that he thinks that you are crushing on him. Did I get that right?

I'm just going to say do whatever makes you happy....

I was looking into different types of martial arts a bit ago; one dojo caught my interest but the instructor was very enthusiastically "recruiting" me -- not sure how else to say it -- and it made me a little uncomfortable. I asked a guy for help interpreting, he seemed convinced this instructor had a romantic interest, though he hadn't said anything specifically to imply that, was just persistent and friendly. Anyway, I abandoned my search and didn't get back to that dojo.

Later, I impulsively decided to join; not being entirely sure why I changed my mind. But I must have been obviously awkward, because I was not a very good student and the sensei quickly became very wary of me. Now, I am finally learning an art I've always been interested in but never tried, at a school with cool students and a talented teacher, but I feel so uncomfortable...I think sensei sees me as a creepy student crushing on him and so ignores me, but does correct my technique.

Would it be best for myself and the dojo to just leave?