> Should I go back to Taekondow?

Should I go back to Taekondow?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Go back, get back in shape and compete when your instructor says you are ready. I'm sure there is a TKD school out there for you somewhere.

One thing is for damn sure. You should not go back to your old dojo. Personally I don't think you should go back to TKD at all. There are so many McDojo's in that art and unless you know what to look for and really do your reseach you shouldn't get involved with them. Nothing wrong with the art. Just too many McDojo's.


As Kokoro said, ATA are the biggest frauds in the business. They are pure $hit. You should avoid them like I now avoid my ex girlfriend.

I can not tell you what style you should chose. Look around your area. What is available? Go and try it out, try and decide if it's of high quality and start training.

i suggest finding a different dojang,

you should not be a black belt at the age of 13. in a good dojang the minimum age will be 16. at 13 you are not mental mature enough to be a black belt.

taekwon do is a good style provided its a good dojang


ata is not a good dojang, it is the larges mcdojang in the world. avoid all ata taekwon do dojangs.

what matters is the instructor and how you train and not the style

these are guides as to what to avoid



ATA is terrible. Avoid ATA at all costs. You shouldn't be a black belt at 13.

If you want to you definitely should! I suggest practicing your basic skills then move higher to more advanced things and practice before you sign up so your prepared :)

Hey, so I'm a 15 year old girl.

I started taekondow when I was 6 and continued until I was 13. It's been almost two years now. I realized how much I've missed that adreline rush of breaking boards and sparing...

I have my 1st degree black belt.

The thing is, I'm decently athletic, but not as much as when I was in the program before.

The thing is, I'd go into the black belt teen division and I'm slightly nervous that I'll embarrass myself because I've forgotten some things. Also, I'm kinda shy....

Any tips or help is appreciated.