> Should I do TaeKwonDo or Karate?

Should I do TaeKwonDo or Karate?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
DOing flip look cool. But most will not recommend it for self defense.

If you want to learn self defense find a good instructor; not a style. The style doesn't matter. Having a good instructor and you being a good student matter. There is no best style, but there are better teachers. How many ways can I state this?

Visit several school near you. Observe the classes. Observe the skills levels of the students. Ask questions. Take the trial class if they have it. Visit more than once if possible. Then make an educated guess as to which is the best instructor for you. You want the one that will help you meet your goal the best.

Whatever you would like. Both martial arts are excellent. Get flips out of your head though, bc they are showy, but most of all impractical for the most part.

Tae Kwon Do is more known for it's kicks so if you like kicks go TKD.

Most important of all know about mc dojos! And be sure you learn from a respectable sensei and learn technique that is applicable for the real world.




Avoid those like the plague, bc if you learn crap, you will fight like crap.

To have a better understanding on the difference of TKD and Karate, and to get a good view of things, watch these on your free time!

Hokuto Shinken!

Why dont you learn tae kwondo karate .

Tae Kwon Do; it's just better than Karate.

Although, you don't do flips in Karate or Tae Kwon Do. If that's what you want, perhaps try parkour or Capoeria.

Well basically I want to learn self defense as I'm quite short and some people will like push me and other things similar. Also at my school there are many people who basically pick a fight. Also I want to be fit and healthy. Also doing flips looks cool :)