how do i prevent that my dad says he aware of what's around you and don't trust people and stand up for yourself?
Of course you should be aware of your surroundings. That's like asking if your should look both ways before crossing a street. At no time in your life is being unaware ever a good thing.
How do you be aware? Pay attention. Here's an example of not being aware that you and many of your friends are probably guilty of - walking about with your iPod earplugs blasting and playing with your iPhone never looking at what or who is around you. If you were a mugger who would you target - someone walking about tuned out and spaced out to their surroundings or someone walking with purpose with their eyes scanning their surroundings?
Google Marc Animal MacYoung. He is an expert on awareness.
Always be Aware. The world needs more wares.
Don't go around with blinders on.
- pay attention to everything around you- will save you more than self-defense class-
You walk down a dark alley at 2pm in Baltimore you are asking to get hurt- whether you know kung fu or not
Awareness is most important. Even if you don't know how to physically defend yourself, being aware can save your life.
Be very aware, always carry pepper spray, and never walk alone
San Queintin is almost the same thing.
Such is one of the main purposes of studying marital arts....
People getting mugged, jumped and stuff around my area.
how do i prevent that my dad says he aware of what's around you and don't trust people and stand up for yourself?