> Shall I fear one? Sticking up for myself?

Shall I fear one? Sticking up for myself?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Let one thing be understood...

Fear is a natural emotion and although you can control it you will never be rid of it-fear is in all of us by some degree or other.

Forget all the styles mentioned above-some of these can take years to master-and you haven't got years.

Buy a bag hang it up and learn how to throw a good punch-learn correct stance hip rotation and targeting seek the services of a local boxing club who will help you.

If you are approached decide what you are going to do first-most people who end up bruised did so because they had not planned in advance of an imminent attack-decide where you are going to hit him-never leave yourself guessing at the crucial moment.

Keep it simple-one good technique well practiced will get you out of most of the situations that you describe.

All bullies are cowards and the only lanquage a bully understands is a smack in the mouth-if you try to talk to them or appeal to them they just see it as a weakness and ignore the advice about going to an adult-you just end up with a reputation as a snitch which will make matters worse-besides the adult can't watch your back all of the time.

The one to target is the one at the front giving it the big one-don't mess with the quiet guy at the back who says nothing-he will probably respect you if you deal with motormouth anyway.

A big guy will pick a fight with you because he thinks he can beat you-a little guy won't pick a fight with you because he knows he can!!

Don't feel bad about being scared. Courage is not the absence of fear, but having fear and still doing what you know should be done. Always stick up for yourself and those around you. You should look into training in some kind of self defense. If you're in high school a good way to get started is to join the wrestling team. I wrestled for 4 years and then got into cage fighting after for another 4 years. It will change your outlook on life, usually for the better.

You should never have to go to school on a daily basis being scared of someone. Try sticking up for yourself, and if that fails tell an adult in the building that you trust. Especially if you are scared or feel threatened by the bully.

Bullies only pick on those they consider weaker than themselves, therefore, you should carry yourself with a strong sense of self esteem and pride. Also, the first time someone picks on you-you should put an end to it immediately; make sure they know it won't fly and you won't stand for it. A bully is a coward plain and simple. Just remember: the outcome of most things are never as bad as you perceive them to be.

Take martial arts classes now. Martial artists are very dangerous people in a fight. If you know how to manipulate joints (body.mechanics- making joints do things they aren't meant to do) and do it fast you will crush them. The better you get at it the more people you'll be able to take on. Also learn to use logic to deceive youre enemy, that can give you the upper hand when you go into a fight. Good striking points are the throat, the chin, the nose, the jaw. You can watch you tube for pointers and learn how to fight good if you practice with a friend. Exercise alot, just do it, it will give you the upper hand in a fight. Hapkido, muay Thai, kallarypayattu, Hawaiian kajukenbo, judo, Brazilian jiu jitsu, regular kickboxing or just an mma class are all good. Hawaiian kajukenbo is mma, its made up of five different styles, I believe its definition is dirty fighting or something like that. If you take martial arts for at least three years you'll be a beast, and you'll put so caled bad asses in check. Bullies are stupid people that need there asses kicked, the only thing is youre gonna have to take training to do that, if they find out youre in martial arts theyre gonna **** with you bad, the sooner you learn to whoop *** the better, watch a workout motivation video on you tube, it has a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger on it and says conquer, I went through a lot of being fucked with and can be a very dangerous person at times because of it, I have signs of PTSD but dont necessarily have it. You better learn how to fight and get tough physically while youre young. Those bastards that mess with you will be pieces of **** in 20 years and if you stay in school, stay out of jail at all costs, and take martial arts training NOW you will love life later, dont get to be middle aged and not have done all those things. I ******* hate people who bully there classmates, my blood is boiling right now, **** them there pieces of trash, take my advice please do what I said now dont wait til later you'll regret it. And remember if people are jump you you won't lose anything by hitting back or picking something like a pipe and blasting them with it. If youre gonna get beat up practice hitting back, maybe just throw one punch and get beat up, next time it will be two, next time three, then eventually you'll be whooping ***.

Bullies are ******* ******* of the highest order and if you take them down a peg in front of everyone then they'll not be so eager to mess with you next time. They don't expect people they pick on to hit back and when it happens they don't like it.

I don't wanna recommend something and get in trouble, so I'll say this: If I had a kid, I would want them to exercise and train so they can defend themselves, but to not throw the first punch.

Here we go again, with this question:)

I Always get bullied and people always pick on me they're also say they're going to get people on me.

My dad says stick up for yourself. They are only human just like you they have feelings. He said have heart. What's heart?

How to not be scared? I'm scare them loads of people might beat me up when I speak up.