> Self defense question pls help.?

Self defense question pls help.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Schools have rules against fighting. It doesn't matter if it is self defense or in defense of others there is to be no fighting. It doesn't matter who throws the 1st punch. It doesn't matter who makes the threat. Therefore, if you use a wrist lock or you slammed him into a locker you are fighting. You are supposed to get a suspension. You have also violated the Safe School's Act. The Safe School's Act is a federal Law. It is required that every school be in compliance of the law. Every school has to come up with a plan that can meet approval of the federal government regarding this law. Every school in the USA has to follow the guidelines of the Safe School's Act. Basically the Safe School Act is there to attempt to provide a safe The School Board has to create an adopt a policy based upon there interpretation of the Safe School's Act. They have to define what happen if student fight , bring weapons, etc. This prevents schools from punishing one student lightly and another student more harshly. Generally for a fight students are suspended. They can also get locked up. The police will determine if charges will be issued. The court will determine the guilt. The school records in the records the outcome from the court. It also uses this information if they decide to expel the student(s).

A reason why both parties are suspended is to keep it as fair as possible. The school doesn't have to decide who was at fault. They won't mistakenly find the wrong person(s) at fault. If you fight you are both guilty of violating the rules. In the a school both parties always blame the other person. There will be witnesses for and against one party.

Here is one more thing. Most people assume that they have been punished or their child was punished and nothing happened to the other party. They are wrong. I have heard this many times from people involved and with people on here. But sine I have been privy to what happens to both parties I know that everyone is punished. The schools do not share with you what they did to the other party. Generally it should be spelled out in the student handbook that most people do not read.

Basically the self defense that you are trying to claim can only help you in a court of law. It does not help in a school setting. Even in the court of law you may see it as self defense, but the court, jury, judge, etc may see it as assault. They know the law much better than you do. They know how to manipulate it better too. Your ignorance to the law is no excuse.

Because he did not hit her. You were the one who threw the first punch. If you had just gotten hold of him and held him there until a teacher or cops or whoever could get there, you probably wouldn't have gotten into trouble. But when you slammed his head into a locker, that was NOT in self defense and was unnecessary and that was where you went wrong.

I seen a man slap a woman in the face one day on the main street and i just drove by, i could have pulled over and beat the crap out of him but i dont know what she done leading upto that point. Maybe she just stabbed 2 children, how would i know? so why should i jump in and protect her? is it because she is a female? Thats just sexist in every sense of the word.

"a man should never hit a lady" if a woman behaves like a beast then she certainly is no lady so this leaves her open to attack.

You should have stayed out of it unless you were asked to intervene or could have separated them without a wrist lock. If you separated them then you would not have got in any trouble, if you separated them and then he attacked you and you smashed him then you would not have got in any trouble. You took the inexperienced option and that is why you were the one to pay the price.

You acted too quickly. Instead you should have placed yourself between the two and try to verbally diffuse the situation. If that does not work, walk the girl to her class away from the situation. If he tries to hit you, use force proportional to the attack; in this case MINIMAL force is. Necesarry; restrain him until help arrives

Because the school system is stupid. In some locations. It doesn't work that way everywhere.

Because your a f**got thats why

I would have separated them, and if the guy tries to attack, just restrain him,

Avoid these kinds of boys and don't punch to anyone. Its not a good habit. Still they are irritating you then don't bear them.

because you are a ******* idiot .. wow loser .... wrist.. lock.. beat the **** out of him

if I am in school. I see a girl and a girl arguing and the guy is going to punch her. I put the guy in the wrist lock, and grab his hair and slam him against the locker to make sure he wont hit the girl. why would I get into more trouble I don't understand why. pls help