> Self defense help, please read?

Self defense help, please read?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I can understand your problem. It is difficult to ignore people. What I would suggest is try "Tabata" workout (Google it and see). It requires only 4 minutes to complete this workout and can be done in small space. This way you not only have a choice to work out at home but also your workout will be much much more effective. This takes care about losing weight and slimming down. Now as far as self defense is concerned, it is always difficult to learn it online without a real instructor. However, you can check for Krav Maga. Its good, practical and easy to learn. Keysi is another option for you.

Please do not lose your confidence and try to ignore people who mock at you. It may be difficult, but you do not want to ruin your life just because others make fun of you. All the best.

Don't worry what others think.

A long time ago I joined a gym about the same time as this girl. She was short and about as wide as she was tall. To say she was round was probably being kind. But she had determination and didn't care what others thought. And over a period of a couple of years she was at the gym each day and worked really hard. And the worked paid off as she went from a round chubby little thing to someone very fit when I left that gym because I moved.

Now I'm mentioning this for a couple of reasons. One to tell you that you shouldn't care what others think. And to let you know that if anything people will respect you for getting out and bettering yourself, not for being out of shape right now.

And I mention all of this because it's important that you are safe when you're running or working out. And if running at dark isn't safe or makes you feel unsafe you need to adjust things. And maybe going out a little earlier is in order. And hence not caring what others think!

So kudos for taking action to better yourself and PLEASE be safe and smart.

Frankly, you are not going to be proficient at any form of self defense if you try to learn only from books videos and practice only by yourself.. going to a class and learning from a qualified instructor is essential. What is worse than not knowing any self defense is thinking that you know when you really don't, running away or screaming for help may be a better choice than trying to stand and fight when you have not really trained.

The crux of the problem is not self defense but your self consciousness and fear of being ridiculed.. believe me, that is much less of an obstacle to overcome than trying to be effectively proficient in self defense. I too am overweight and was even worse in my teen years, so I can relate to that sense of self consciousness... it just takes the determination to overcome that threshold just once or twice before you realize it isn't such a big deal.

Don't take unnecessary risks, otherwise you'll have to deal with the consequences.

I would say jog during the day. If people judge you, just picture how much more fit you're going to be than them. Be proud of yourself that you are taking time out of your day to help yourself be fit. And honey, nobody is attractive when they workout. It is a workout for a reason, not prom. Hope this helped.

I wanted to learn some self defence techniques to protect me and my family. I followed the course of this site http://www.goobypls.com/r/rd.asp?gid=563... It helped: I feel much safer now.

Your bro thork might think karate.

I asked this before, but the people who answered didn't actually understand what I needed, so I'm asking again. I'm a teenage girl and out of shape, so I started running. I'm embarrassed by trying to get into better shape, especially because I often joke about how fat I am. Also, I'm not exactly "attractive" while I exercise. So, I run alone around sunset because it's cooler out and harder to see me. Soon, it gets dark, then running isn't that enjoyable. I get sort of paranoid because there are some not-so-good people in my town, and the rustling of bushes that turns out to be a rabbit and that dark shape that turns out to be a trash can scare me. Like, I know it's probably nothing, but I don't want to drop my guard because it could be a person. So, I would like to learn some basic self defense--punches, blocks, kicks, etc. Tips and techniques, anyone? And I am not bringing weapons. I have no problem with cracking an assailant over the head with a water bottle, but I'm not going to carry a knife or anything like that. I can't sign up for a class (I'm broke and would be humiliated) and no one knows I'm doing this, not even my mom. Help, please?