> Self defence against large dogs?

Self defence against large dogs?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
What is the best thing to do is to go with a friend and then after the dogs start to chase you, run away with your friend and then when the dogs get really close.....throw your friend on the ground and you keep running. that is what self preseravation is all about lol


@El : hahahaha

Walk softly.

Carry a big stick.

Learn to use the stick.

@ Artist: We have had discussions about this kind of protection in the dojo. There are things you can do that help, even without the stick.

Edit: Try not to allow an animal to bite you if possible. There can be worse problems from that than the trauma of a bite. Yell loud (kiai as RUSSEL said), and strike hard. A dog is the same as a man, it doesn't like pain either. Usually you can avoid them, dogs attack for specific reasons, as do men, but the reason is often different. If any animal attacks you, you can be pretty sure it either thinks you are food, or a threat of some kind.

Shaeeeck has the right idea. If there is someone with you trip them. Use them for bait while you escape.

Someone said run. Not a good idea. Humans for the most part can't out run a dog. Dog's instinctively like to chase. That is part of the hunt. Running will get them to chase you. Trying to kick a dog in the head is a good way to get your foot bit off. The dog is much faster at biting than you can kick. They are skilled hunters even if they don't practice hunting. In it instinct.

A stick will run some dogs off. But on others especially rained dogs that will cause them to fight even more aggressively.

A rear naked strangle will not work on a dog like it will on humans. Trying that will get you bit.

The best way to avoid being bit by a dog is not to run and avoid the dogs. If the dogs can't be avoided you must give the dog something that is wants more than it want to bite you. Back to Shaeeeck answer trip someone and give them an easier prey to bite.

First realize your getting bit and probably badly. If your lucky you can get off a kick to its head that will put it down. With a dog you have to control the head and mouth. The rest of their body is useless. The only way to get an attacking dog to back down is to hurt them badly. They have weak legs and even weaker abs.

Front head and shuck them and take the back and the dog is pretty much toast. But you better hold on tight they go into panic mode when you wrap them up.

EDIT ha shaeeck you stole that from me and that stupid man vs lion question. But hey it's a good one that's why I used it. :)

Yeah, run.

There's no way you can learn how to do this over the Internet in a couple minutes. Not many schools even teach things like this. I've never seen one that does.

@Jim - That's really neat. I've never personally seen schools or students that have ways to defend against attacking dogs, but I know that some schools do it. That's really cool, and a useful thing to know. Thanks.

I had a German Shepherd latch onto my face when i was a kid, one K9 lodged in between my eye socket and eyeball the other hooked up under my jawline i was 8, it was my mates dog she was ok walking beside us them out of nowhere attacked me, it was fast and she threw me like a ragdoll, she even bit the owner, best self defence was my mates brother grab a gun and put a bullet in its skull, the dog had recently had pups taken off it,im not sure if that was the reason or me? but it happened bloody quick.

Ive had dogs jump at me, and just raised my knee turn away sideways and PRETEND to not pay attention to them.

Just paying attention would be the best you could do really, if an animal wants to attack good luck, hope your training serves you well

My experience and knowledge on this says.... be friendly with the dogs and show them and also feel friendly emotions towards them.....The dogs are humans best friends...This is how you deal with dogs.:)

One day I was in a house that the owner had two very potentially dangerous and big dogs. One of the guys that had never being in that house before, went near to them and start being friendly with them.. They reacted in the same way. He said that no dog reacts aggressively to that.....

Kiai at it to scare the crap out of it.

If that doesn't work, try to get it in a rear naked choke. A well placed kick should keep it off too.

Poor dogs though, rabid or not, I'd hope the kiai would work.

Honestly the best thing is to have a weapon, like a knife, gun, or a big stick. Aside from that, what I was told from a military friend in how they were trained to deal with an attack dog is to basically intercept it when it lunges for you and essentially bellyflop on it, breaking its back and ribs (basically catch it with a tackle and throw all your weight on it as you hit the ground). That was one of the few things you can do against a trained attack dog.

Go for the Eyes,nose,keep guards up,throat punch as hard as you good with your knuckles leaning forward so (Dont want to get bite in the neck ,block with your hands) .I read an article that a ju-jitsu Kid choked a pitbull for 30mins

I was wondering if anyone has some tips for fighting off big aggressive dogs. I have had a few run-ins with them but so far I have been able to make them back off by yelling, stamping my feet and waving my arms.

I have read a source that recommends allowing it to grab your bad arm and then gouge an eye. But I don't know if you could count on it to grab your arm.

Anyone got some better ideas?

I've had to defend myself against a young German Shepard that was out of control. I landed a front kick to its nose and then climbed up a bridge thing and started throwing branches at it till it went away.

I don't think any martial arts can help you against dogs or other animals. You can read up on how to defend against dogs. I only know not to run.

You could study how Mas Oyama defeated bulls with his bare hands, or carry a pocket knife.